Civil Society Days – Volunteers for Prosperity

Volunteers play a crucial role in the implementation of all of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and are to be found across all sections of society and all age groups. During the debate on the future of Europe, policy-makers must be aware that this future will be shaped not only by politicians or formally structured bodies, but also by millions of citizens – volunteers who spend their time and energy every day acting in solidarity with others for the common good.

This workshop, organised by the Centre for European Volunteering (CEV), Volonteurope and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), will address a number of sub-topics:

  • Assessing policy and programme support for volunteering in the framework of the Next Generation EU Recovery Fund and its contribution to prosperity.
  • Exploring how to better measure the value of volunteering to prosperity in Europe and thus have a stronger evidence base for current and future policies.
  • Understanding the economic contribution of volunteering to the recovery process and increased prosperity.
  • Reflecting on volunteering that is focused on democracy and active citizenship, as an expression of European values contributing to future prosperity in Europe, including the active inclusion of established and growing migrant populations.

We have been invited to speak at the panel discussion on Intergenerational Volunteering and Older people volunteering.

More information and link to the online event

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