Closing the pension gender gap: what role for the financial services sector? – joint AGE-ICAEW breakfast debate


Join us to exchange views over breakfast on what can be done at European level to support the long-term financial independence of women, with a focus on the role of the financial and investment services sector.

Women live longer, earn less and have fewer savings. According to the European Commission’s 2018 Pension Adequacy Report, the average pensions gender gap in the EU is 37% – with significant variations between member states, from under 2% in Estonia to over 48% in Cyprus. While tackling that gap requires action across a range of policy-areas, are there best-in-class practices that can be replicated? And what can the financial services sector do to help ensure that women have equal opportunities to acquire pension rights?

We will look at those issues together with:

  • Nathalie Berger, Head of Unit – Insurance and Pensions, DG FISMA
  • Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General, AGE Platform Europe
  • Michaela Koller, Director General, Insurance Europe
  • Goedele Van der Linden, Director – Government Relations for Europe, Marsh & McLennan Companies

Some futher questions will be explored such as:

  • How to encourage equitable pension outcomes for men and women?
  • Can private pension schemes and retirement products be better designed to meet women’s needs?
  • What can women do to protect their finances later in life?
  • Are women more risk-averse when it comes to pension planning?
  • What are the respective roles of policy-makers, financial services entities, businesses, civil society and individuals?

The breakfast is organised by The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) in collaboration with AGE Platform Europe.

Please register here or by emailing – and do share with any colleagues you think might be interested!

The Women in EU Finance Network is an ICAEW initiative bringing together professionals – male and female – interested in advancing gender equality in the EU financial services arena.

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