Digital public services for age-friendly cities and communities – European Parliament Joint Intergroup Meeting


Governments and public services rely on open data to communicate with citizens, to provide specific services, and to shape policies at various level. Yet, they lack tools on how to involve citizens, especially the digital literate, in the design, planning, implementation and evaluation of these initiatives in order to effectively address citizens’ needs and expectations. The Horizon2020-funded Mobile-Age project, together with older persons, local governments, social care service providers, and researchers, has developed and tested a co-creation methodology and a set of practical and accessible mobile applications in pilot sites across Europe (Bremen, South Lakeland, Zaragoza and Region Central Macedonia).

Hosted by the Intergroup on Active Ageing, Intergenerational Solidarity and Family issues, and the Urban Intergroup, this event offers tools and insights paving the way to European strategies putting citizens’ needs on the agenda of European policies.


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