Ending Ageism: Toward a world for all ages – IFA/WHO webinar


Age-friendly environments are a global emerging trend attracting the interest of all levels of governments, industry, civil society organisations and academia. Knowledge translation is just as important as knowledge creation, and for this reason the International Federation on Ageing (IFA) in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) are hosting a series of webinars. “Ending Ageism: Toward a world for all ages” is the title of the ninth webinar presented by:

  • Dr Vânia de la Fuente Núñez – Technical Officer, Department of Ageing and Life Course, World Health Organization
  • Prof. Liat Ayalon, Professor – Bar Ilan University, School of Social Work & Coordinator – Marie Curie Innovative Training Network, international Ph.D. program on Ageism
  • Dr Nena Georgantzi, Policy Coordinator Human Rights & Non-Discrimination, AGE Platform Europe & PhD Fellow, National University of Ireland Galway.

The webinar will focus on the impacts of ageism, exploring manifestations of ageism in various environments, showcasing good practice examples and engaging in a discussion of next steps.

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