International Scientific Symposium ‘Healthy Aging, the Natural Consequences of Good Nutrition’

The annual scientific symposium of the Council for Responsible Nutrition-International (CRN-I), the international arm of the U.S.-based Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), will this year address the theme of “Healthy Aging, the Natural Consequences of Good Nutrition.”

Presentations will explore questions including:

  • What is “healthy aging”?
  • How would one measure it?
  • What is the public health impact of nutrition on the quality of life?

“Building on a multi-year theme exploring optimal nutrition, CRN-I’s 2017 symposium will bring together international experts sharing the latest research as well as policy insights,” said Jim Griffiths, Ph.D., CRN-I vice-president, scientific & international affairs. “We hope to add to the body of published data analysis supporting science-based standards setting, as we have done in past years.”

See this page for details on sessions, speakers and registration

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