Music for Dementia-Friendly Communities

The EU-funded SOUND project aims to train social and health care professionals and informal carers in music-based therapeutic interventions to enhance the quality of life of older people with dementia and their carers.

The consortium of the project invites you to the final conference of this project focusing on “Music Enhancing the Lives of Older Individuals with Dementia and Their Informal Carers”. The event will feature insightful presentations and engaging discussions led by experts in the field, while providing a platform for networking and knowledge exchange among attendees.

AGE Italian member, Anziani e non solo, is part of the project consortium.

Please confirm your attendance by 12th June at the latest. For any inquiries or additional information you can contact .

In-person attendance is highly encouraged but, in case this is not possible, you may join the event virtually using this link.

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