Safe online transaction in the third age – final event of the Faith project


Our world is increasingly digital. Yet, it precludes a consistent share of its population to benefit from the digital revolution. The persisting digital gap prevents many people, especially the older and most marginalised ones, from enjoying economic, social and cultural rights and from participating to the life in society on an equal foot. To counteract this trend, digitalisation must be shaped involving older persons and must embrace their diverse needs and abilities. Everyone must get access to digital infrastructure and devices.

The EU-funded FAITh project aims to combat the digital marginalisation of adults 55+ by enhancing their capacities and building their trust and confidence to use internet and digital technologies to transact online. The project delivered and implemented face-to-face trainings on online shopping, online banking and online services by the public administrations (e-goverment), addressed to people with little digital and financial literacy, to build their capacity and trust to transact safely online.

Learn more about our success stories, resources and lessons learnt at the Faith final event, which will take place in hybrid format (in Brussels and online) on 7 December 2022. You will have the chance to discuss directly with the some of the mentees of the project.

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AGE Platform Europe is a partner in this project. Read more on our involvement here.

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