SHAPES 7th Dialogue workshop: Results of a large-scale pilot campaign


The 7th dialogue workshop of the SHAPES project will share the first results of its large-scale pilot campaign, highlighting the impact that medicine control and optimisation, psycho-social and cognitive stimulation or physical rehabilitation at home may have on older people and their environments.

The SHAPES Pan-European Pilot Campaign has engaged over 2,000 older individuals, care givers and care service providers in 36 pilot activities conducted in 15 pilot sites across 11 European Countries.

Results from the pilot campaign are also feeding into the establishment of the SHAPES governance model supporting and extending active ageing and independent living of older individuals – the governance model will be discussed in a dedicated session of this dialogue workshop.

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, Greek and International Sign, and English subtitles.

Registration is free and available here

More information is soon to be found on the project website.

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