Smart cities and communities for all: How to become smart and age-friendly

In a context of population ageing and budgetary constraints, it is crucial for European cities and communities to implement initiatives allowing their older residents to remain independent, active and healthy for longer. At the same time, European cities and communities are getting involved in smart initiatives in order to save energy, facilitate mobility, increase civic participation, and thus improve quality of life for their residents.

Developing smart cities and communities implies a continuous digitalisation of information, public services and opportunities for civic participation. How can smart cities and communities be inclusive for all, including older persons? How to ensure that smart cities and communities do not create new barriers for social inclusion, access to public services, and civic participation for vulnerable groups and, doing so hamper age-friendly efforts?

The debate will offer room for discussion on inclusive smart cities and communities and shed light on concrete examples from cities and regions. It will also make the link with the Urban Agenda for the EU, the EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing, the EIP on Smart Cities and Communities, the emerging European Silver Economy Strategy, as well as the European Covenant on Demographic Change.

Contact person: Julia Wadoux,

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