The Future of Smart & Healthy Ageing: outcome & recommendations of the SHAPES project

SHAPES final dialogue workshop

How can older people in Europe age better? How can the use of technology support us in social participation, in being healthy or in managing illness and disability?

The 4-year long project SHAPES (Smart and Healthy Ageing through People Engaging in Supportive Systems) aims to support older adults in retaining their independence and autonomy. The project has created a unique and open pan-European Ecosystem including a standardised, interoperable, and scalable Platform for the integration of smart technologies. This large-scale project worked across 14 European countries with over 300 staff contributing to it.

The final dialogue workshop of SHAPES will present the project approach and some of its outcomes. It will also invite leading contributors from civil society, researchers and practitioners to share their impressions and their views.

Join the dialogue workshop to review SHAPES’ work, to ask questions, to hear commentary and to ‘SHAPE’ what comes next form smart and healthy ageing in Europe and beyond.

Spanish and Italian translation, International Sign interpretation, and English subtitles will be provided.

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