Age groups and quality of life: Eurofound looks at winners and losers

Many policies are developed and implemented through the prism of age. Addressing differences in the economic and social circumstances of different age groups is an ongoing concern of policymakers. This policy brief looks at inequalities in the quality of life of Europeans across six age groups. It examines developments between 2011 and 2016 to assess […]

Briefing Paper on Implementing a holistic approach to lifelong learning

The “well-being” dimension of learning is becoming key in today’s society. Learning plays an important role in improving the quality of people’s lives, in particular the most deprived. In partnership with the Educational Disadvantage Centre, Institute of Education, Dublin City University and Cedefop, the LLLPlatform has analysed the current policy context and built on the […]

International Expert-Conference on Human Rights of older Persons – Conference Report

Government representatives, UN, EU and civil society representatives, older persons, academics and experts met in Vienna in November 2018 to exchange experiences about new challenges and opportunities regarding the human rights of older persons related to technological developments such as digitalization, robotics, automation and artificial intelligence. This report summarizes their discussion and the adopted “Vienna […]

Rights-based approach to care and support for older persons – Policy brief

________________________________________________________________ This policy brief, published by the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, presents a conceptual framework for a rights-based approach to long-term care and support. The framework lays out ten main human rights domains relevant to persons with care and supports needs, and provides an in-depth description of the substantive rights that […]

10 keys to effectively communicating human rights

The guide published by the Fundamental Forum outlines the 10 key points that should be kept in mind when communication on human rights. Those points were raised by communicators and practitioners in various fields during FRA’s expert meetings, practitioners’ seminars and focus groups in 2017 and 2018. Tell a human story Identify issues of broader […]

Striking a balance: Reconciling work and life in the EU – Eurofound

Combining work and life is a fundamental issue, one that policymakers, social partners, businesses and individuals are seeking to resolve. Simultaneously, new challenges and solutions are transforming the interface between work and life: an ageing population, technological change, higher employment rates and fewer weekly working hours. This report examines the interface between work and life […]

Health system performance assessment – Integrated Care Assessment

The integration of care is one of the solutions that will enable care systems to be more efficient by increasing communication between care providers, reducing the unnecessary costs of duplication of tests and services, and enhancing continuity of care for patients moving from one care setting to another. This study, funded by the Health Programme […]

Final report ERPB informal working group on Accessibility

Easy access to retail payments is important to support economic prosperity and growth and to foster consumers’ financial inclusion. While the digitalisation of retail payment services can help reduce cost for providers and improve speed and user-friendliness for many consumers, there is a growing number of consumers faced with barriers that prevent them from accessing […]

Contemporary Perspectives on Ageism

Published as part of the COST Action on Ageism, this open access book provides a comprehensive perspective on the concept of ageism, its origins, the manifestation and consequences of ageism, as well as ways to respond to and research ageism. The book represents a collaborative effort of researchers from over 20 countries and a variety […]

Addressing key issues for inclusive digital services – MobileAge project policy briefings

By linking up different services and providing citizens with personalized information, open data have a key role to play in making our neighborhoods age-friendly. Relying on the principle of co-creation, the EU-funded MobileAge project developed, with the involvement of older citizens and other interested local authorities, open source tools for inclusive digital services. AGE was […]

Challenges in long-term care in Europe – A study of national policies 2018

The study provides a general description of the national long-term care systems in 35 European countries and examines four main challenges. It also includes country reports that make a comparative analysis of the national long-term care systems and identifies national reforms to address them. Read more and download the reports here

Older People in Displacement: Falling Through the Cracks of Emergency Responses

This report is part of a study on older South Sudanese displaced by conflict commissioned by HelpAge International. The study takes stock of the progress made and remaining challenges faced by those responding to forced displacement, both in addressing the specific needs of older people and harnessing their capacities. It looks at how the role […]

Promoting adult learning in the workplace – Final report of EU Working Group

The role of the Education and Training Working Group on Adult Learning 2016-2018 was to identify policies that promote and support workplace learning of adults, covering: adults struggling with reading, writing, making simple calculations and using digital tools; adults with medium skills in need of up-skilling. This report presents the outcomes of its work. It […]

Social Inequalities in Mortality – The Increasing Advantage of the Married

It is widely known that better educated persons tend to live longer than the less educated. There is apparently less public and political awareness of the fact that marital status is also strongly associated with mortality. Yet, hundreds of studies carried out over more than 150 years have shown that those who are married have […]

Age-friendly housing – Future design for older people

This publication looks at the challenges we face in providing homes for older people as the population ages. It examines the challenge of an ageing population, the impact of government policies, approaches to new build projects, the social value of shared space, ensuring the importance of home, and the use of technology. It is written […]

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