Care work and care jobs for the future of decent work – ILO report

New ILO report Care work and care jobs for the future of decent work takes a comprehensive look at unpaid and paid care work and its relationship with the changing world of work. A key focus is the persistent gender inequalities in households and the labour market, which are inextricably linked with care work. Download […]

Local area aspects of quality of life – Eurofound

Quality of life depends in part on the physical and social characteristics of people’s direct surroundings. This working paper offers a framework to identify aspects of the local area influencing quality of life. It does so by mapping relevant characteristics of the local area asked for in major surveys in Europe, and by drawing from […]

Fundamental Rights Report 2018 includes focus chapter on older people

The Fundamental Rights Report 2018 of the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) dedicates its focus chapter to equal treatment for older people and respect for their fundamental rights. In this chapter, FRA describes the impacts of ageism on individuals and society as a whole and calls for a ‘rights-based’ approach to ageing, reminding that the civil, political, economic, […]

Ageing Report 2018 – demographic and economic projections for 2016-2070

This report, based on demographic projections carried out by Eurostat, looks at the long-run economic and fiscal implications of Europe’s ageing population. It calculates the costs (and benefits when it comes to increased employment of older people) of ageing in the long term for all EU member states, based on the current legislation and some […]

EU study on Silver Economy in Europe 

The new study, conducted by Technopolis and Oxford Economics and commissioned by the European Commission, provides an overview of the potential of EU’s Silver Economy through to 2025, presents 10 case studies and formulates recommendations to foster the Silver Economy in Europe. You can access the study here

Long-Term Care in Europe A Juridical Approach

This book provides a comprehensive overview on the long-term care systems in 12 EU member states and Norway. Focusing on the legal background and its main principles, it includes a comparative analysis which highlights the principal dissimilarities between European long term care benefits, but at the same time also a variety of features in common. […]

Handbook on European non-discrimination law – 2018 edition

This handbook provides an overview of key aspects of non-discrimination law in Europe, with specific reference to the prohibition of discrimination provided in the Council of Europe’s European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), as interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), and the law of the European Union, as interpreted by the Court […]

Who cares? – Study on the challenges and needs of family carers in Europe

This report summarises the findings of a major data collection carried out by COFACE Families Europe to take stock on the needs and challenges of family carers in Europe in 2017. With more than 1,000 answers from family carers from 16 European countries, the study provides a better understanding of the situation in Europe and […]

Guide to the internet – publication in German

AGE German organisation BAGSO has published a ‘guide to the digital world for older citizens’, aimed at beginners and more advanced users of the internet. The brochure gives you an overview of what the Internet can do for you and provides answers to questions such as: How can I book, order, shop …? Download the […]

Age-friendly environments in Europe. A handbook of domains for policy action

Policies to create better age-friendly environments have become a forceful movement in Europe and globally in which a growing number of cities and communities, local authorities and regional governments participate. This handbook by the World Health Organization (WHO) is based on lessons learned from existing age-friendly initiatives in Europe. It links actions to create more […]

Technology and Pensions – OECD report

This report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) provides an overview of how technology is being used to improve pension design and delivery and how regulators are managing these changes. This report explores the early regulatory implications of the growing role of technology in pension provision, and look at what governments are […]

Country Health Profiles 2017

The Country Health Profiles give a snapshot of a population’s state of health and key risk factors, along with a brief assessment of each health system’s performance in terms of effectiveness, accessibility and resilience. The Country Health Profiles are prepared by the OECD and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies in cooperation with […]

Pensions at a glance 2017

The 2017 edition of Pensions at a Glance highlights the pension reforms undertaken by the countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) over the last two years. It includes a special chapter on flexible retirement that discusses people’s preferences regarding flexible retirement, the actual use of these programmes and the impact on […]

Robo-advice and pensions – OECD report

Riding the wave of technological innovation in finance, the robo-advice model has emerged as one potential solution for helping individuals manage their pensions and invest savings for retirement. This report provides an overview of the types of robo-advisors that are now available and discusses the potential benefits, risks and challenges of such platforms. Download OECD […]

Guidebook for creation of care cooperatives

The guidebook published by Cooperatives Europe, together with the iCareCoops project consortium, supports new and future entrepreneurs in developing their cooperative projects in 6 steps. The guide, based on the Best Practices report written by Cooperatives Europe, also comes with an extensive section on complementary resources from across Europe, as well as a list of […]

Ageing Report 2018

The Ageing Report provides a yearly analysis of recent population projections and estimates the long-term economic and budgetary impact of the ageing of the European population in order to produce long-term budgetary projections. On the basis of these estimations and methodologies, age-related expenditures covering pensions, health care, long-term care, education and unemployment benefits will be […]

Care homes for older Europeans: Public, private and not-for-profit providers

This report by Eurofound examines the services provided in public and private care homes, how they differ in terms of the quality, accessibility and efficiency of services. As private provision increases, costs to users are likely to become a significant barrier unless there is an increase in public benefits to subsidise use. The report also […]

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