Planning and implementing palliative care services: a guide for programme managers

This practical manual by the World Health Organization (WHO) explainshow to plan and implement palliative care services, integrated into existing health care services, at national or sub-national level. It has been designed primarily for health programme managers at national, provincial, or district level, whether they are responsible for noncommunicable diseases, infectious disease programmes, health services, […]

A look at the lives of the elderly in the EU today

A look at the lives of the elderly in the EU today is a new web tool released by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, which provides data on the older population across EU countries (share of general population, life expenctancy and healthy life expectancy, travelling, use of internet, economic activity, etc). It […]

Community Supports Model for People With Dementia

The publication ‘Community Supports Model for People With Dementia’ has been published by the HSE & Genio Dementia Programme to mark World Alzheimer’s Day 2016. The paper reports on a unique Community-based service model in Ireland drawing from the experience of four projects undertaken across Ireland from 2012-15. The model puts people with dementia and […]

À la recherche de liens entre les générations

Cette enquête sociologique décortique les relations intergénérationnelles à la base de notre « vivre ensemble » et analyse les conditions de possibilité des liens intergénérationnels.

Inadequate housing in Europe: Costs and consequences

This report by Eurofound aims to improve understanding of the true cost of inadequate housing to EU Member States and to suggest policy initiatives that might help address its social and financial consequences. It presents eight case studies on improving inadequate housing. While improving poor living conditions would be costly, the report suggests the outlay […]

Age-friendly banking – What it is and how you do it

This report by AGE member Age UK in partnership with AARP describes a range of challenges faced by Older people when using banking and payments systems and how banks in the UK and USA have begun to address them. The featured case studies show that with thought, careful design and good implementation, significant progress can […]

Analysis report of workplace good practices and support needs of enterprises

This report investigates workplace practices implemented by 36 companies — of varying sizes and across different sectors — to address the challenges of an ageing workforce. It looks at how to either keep older employees in work for longer or improve the health and wellbeing of all employees, regardless of age. The motivations and drivers […]

Mapping dementia-friendly communities across Europe

The report “Mapping dementia-friendly communities across Europe” was commissioned by the European Foundations’ Initiative on Dementia (EFID) and carried out by the Mental Health Foundation (a UK non-governmental organisation) in 2014 and 2015. The research originated from a shared interest of the foundations engaged in EFID in conducting an analysis of concepts and practices of […]

‘Know Your Rights – A guide for older people’

The Guide provides up to date practical information on the rights of older people in Ireland on a range of issues: Your Rights in relation to the State Pension Retirement age Your Right to Health and Community Care Private Health Insurance Your Rights as a Consumer Your Rights to Access Information and Data Protection Elder […]

‘Elder Abuse, Context and Theory – Finland, Ireland, Italy and Romania’

This book explores the topic of elder abuse from the perspective of four countries: Finland, Ireland, Italy and Romania. The publication explores theories associated with elder abuse and how they inform policy and responses within the four countries. Five organisations have come together to develop this project, as part of an Erasmus Plus funded project […]

Shaping ageing cities – 10 European case studies

‘Shaping ageing cities’ is a comparative overview of the structure, both social and physical, of 10 selected cities, referring to population ageing data and reflecting through the lenses of society, mobility, the built and digital environments. The study responds to two key issues: the rapid ageing of the global population and the development of the […]

Summary of findings from MOPACT Active Ageing Forum now available

This Forum was the second in a series of three which are held to provide external stakeholders with the chance to interrogate and guide the project’s activities. MOPACT is just over the half-way point and has almost two years’ more work ahead; a further year of work will complete scientific work on the themes and […]

EESC European Passport to Active Citizenship

The European Economic and Social Committee European Passport to Active Citizenship is aimed to support active citizenship and participatory democracy in Europe. It explains in practice how you can make your voice heard at EU level in informing you on appropriate timing (when you should become active), teams (whom you should join forces with) and […]

EAPN Toolkit to support involvement in the European Semester

In March 2014, the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN), of which AGE is a member, produced a toolkit designed to help EAPN National Networks and European Organisations to contribute to the preparation of the 2014 National Reform Programmes (NRPs) and the questionnaires on the National Social Reports (NSRs). It contains concise information about the processes and […]

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