Roma access to adequate health care and long-term care

Launched on the occasion of its annual Policy Conference on 23 November 2022, the European Roma Grassroots Organisations (ERGO) Network released its research report on Roma access to healthcare and long-term care in six countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and Spain). The study looks at the main determinants of Roma health as […]

Reframing Aging Through Images: Recommendations from Research

Just like words, images play an important role in the implicit messages we send about older people. We can note can people over 50 have long been misrepresented in the media – or left out entirely. A new research from the United Sates’ FrameWorks Institute and AARP provides recommendations for using images that give a […]

Psychosocial Risks & Older Workers’ Health – Strategies for a healthier workplace

This policy brief by EuroHealthNet proposes strategies for mitigating psychosocial risks to older workers’ (age 55-65+) health in the workplace. Older workers tend to experience more psychosocial risks than other age groups. However, when adequately supported and protected, they are an asset to an organisation, economy, and society. Promoting mental health at work is key […]

‘Tout le monde a le droit de choisir. Les personnes âgées aussi’

Les lieux de vie et de soins de demain et d’après-demain: voilà un thème sociétal à aborder d’urgence ! Car les endroits où des personnes âgées (entre autres) habitent et bénéficient de diverses formes de soins et d’accompagnement doivent être aussi – et avant tout – des lieux de vie. Ce document n’a pas pour […]

Démence chez les personnes âgées issues de l’immigration

Cette publication présente les principales conclusions d’une étude de cinq ans sur la démence et sa prise en charge chez les personnes âgées issues de l’immigration en Belgique. Pour la première fois, cette thématique est examinée sous trois angles : celui des travailleurs migrants âgés, celui de leurs aidants proches et celui des soignants professionnels. […]

Baromètre de l’Inclusion numérique en Belgique

Le nouveau Baromètre de l’Inclusion numérique de la Fondation Roi Baudouin révèle la numérisation accrue de notre société depuis la crise sanitaire : plus que jamais, les ont accès au numérique et utilisent des services digitaux. Cela ne se traduit toutefois pas par une augmentation des compétences numériques. En outre, les personnes vulnérables sur […]

Optimizing brain health across the life course: WHO position paper

Many determinants are known to affect brain health at different stages of life. The position paper provides a conceptual framework for what brain health is and how brain health can be optimized throughout life with actions across the following clusters of determinants: physical health, healthy environments, safety and security, learning and social connection, and access […]

Developing the Long-Term Care Empowerment Model

The report commissioned by the Govenment of Biscay and drafted in collaboration with AGE Platform Europe, lays the fundations of a new, empowering, accessible and quality care model that respects older people’s rights, dignity and diversity. The report argues for a human rights-based approach in the design of any model of long-term care. Long-term care […]

Doing digital in later life: a practical guide

The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and Good Things Foundation have joined forces to produce a brand-new practical guide to support more people to get online and benefit from doing digital in later life. This guide has been designed for anyone from relatives and friends to carers and front-line workers to help them get started […]

The digital era? Also my Era!

How can digitalisation support active and healthy ageing, improve the quality of life, help to give back independence to older persons to ensure their full participation in society and change the paradigm from “vulnerable” to “valuable” older persons? In confronting the megatrends of ageing and digitalisation, this publication from the Council of Europe examines the […]

Social experimentation: A practical guide for project promoters

This guide provides a solid understanding of social experimentation and practical advice for project development. It includes a variety of examples on tools, models, and methods used, addressing the needs and interrogations of current and future practitioners. The guide is primarily intended for stakeholders engaged in social experimentation projects within EaSI strand of the ESF+, […]

Tackling abuse of older people: five priorities for the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing

This policy brief outlines five priorities to prevent and respond to abuse of older people: combat ageism; generate more and better data on prevalence and on risk and protective factors; develop and scale up cost–effective solutions; make an investment case for addressing the issue; and raise funds to tackle the issue. If governments, United Nations […]

Advancing equality for older people

In its report, HelpAge International and Equal Rights Trust examine and compare the legal frameworks for prohibiting age discrimination in 12 countries from across the world, analysing them for consistency with international legal standards. The report identifies the gaps, inconsistencies and barriers which prevent older people from realising their rights while highlighting good practices and […]

Global report on assistive technology – WHO & UNICEF

Access to appropriate, quality assistive technology can mean the difference between enabling or denying education for a child, participation in the workforce for an adult, or the opportunity to maintain independence and age with dignity for an older person. It deserves greater attention now than ever before, as more than 2.5 billion people require one […]

Rebuilding for sustainability and resilience: strengthening the integrated delivery of long-term care in the European Region

The pandemic of COVID-19) has revealed and accentuated important gaps in the provision of appropriate, community-based, long-term care services for a rapidly growing number of people experiencing decline in functional ability, across the WHO European Region. As countries work to rebuild and strengthen health and long-term care systems, it is essential to support broad dialogue, […]

Exploring violence against older women in the Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine

With support provided by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Red Cross of Serbia worked with international experts on preparing the report on the results of the research “Exploring Violence Against Older Women in the Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine”. This study presents the prevalence, characteristics, and consequences of gender-based violence against older women, […]

Facilitator handbook: Learning the digital

Published in the frame of the project DIGIT-AL – Digital Transformation in Adult Learning for Active Citizenship, this handbook for educators presents training methodologies and examples of relevant practice and promotes digitalisation as a central topic in lifelong learning: Learning for digitalisation, learning about digitalisation and learning through digitalisation. Read more and dowload the publication

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