Guidelines for Mainstreaming Ageing – UNECE

Mainstreaming ageing is a policy strategy directed towards integrating ageing issues into all relevant policy fields on all levels, which helps to adapt to population ageing and ensure the integration of the needs of all ages groups, including older persons, into the policymaking process. This guide by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) […]

Ageing in Europe: From North to South

This new report examines key factors of ageing across three EU member states (Finland, Austria and Italy) based on EU-wide statistics and indicators. It also looks at how EU countries can better learn from each other. It covers three parts: synthesising EU wide statistics of key indicators related to the ageing population, de-scribing and comparing […]

The Impact Of Climate Change On The Rights Of Older Persons In Turkey

Climate change poses a threat to life on earth. The most vulnerable groups, namely older people, women, children, people with disabilities, the poor and ethnic and religious minorities, will be faced with its most adverse effects. This analytical report by Senex, Association for Aging Studies, addresses questions posed under the seven headings of the United […]

The Human Rights of Older Persons in Europe – Seminar report

This report provides a summary of the issues raised and examined during an expert discussion convened in Brussels on 12-13 April 2018, by the United Nations Human Rights Regional Office for Europe and AGE Platform Europe. The objective of this meeting was to provide inputs from the Europe region and feed the reflection of the […]

Unequal Treatment report – HelpAge

The ‘Unequal treatment’ report (available in English and Spanish) brings together the individual voices of older people from around the world and reflects what they have to say about their experience. The first four sections present the responses of older people to a set of questions about human rights. The fifth section draws on their […]

SDG Good Practices – First Edition

This compilation of success stories and lessons learned in implementing the sustainable development goals (SDGs) presents 16 good practices from across the globe, together with reflections on their impact and results. As the world pursues a transformative recovery from COVID-19, it is hoped that this publication will provide inspiration to governments and stakeholders in their […]

Gender inequalities in care and consequences for the labour market

This report by the European Institude for Gender Equality (EIGE) explores how gender inequalities in pay are linked to gender inequalities in care in Europe. The analysis aims to contribute to important policy discussions on the gender pay gap and gender care gap. Download the publication here

Putting Quality First – Contracting for Long-Term Care

This new report on long-term care published by the European Social Network (ESN) examines how public procurement and quality assurance policies can ensure better access to quality long-term care services. It is based on a literature and practice review, the responses to a questionnaire from ESN members as well as their input at a seminar […]

Flexible working for over 50s – A toolkit for employers

One in three workers is over the age of 50 and flexible working is the number one workplace practice that would support people to work for longer. This is why the Center for Ageing better has developed in partnership with Timewise a toolkit sets out to maximise the benefits of flexible working for both businesses […]

Long-term care workforce: Employment and working conditions

The long-term care (LTC) sector employs a growing share of workers in the EU and is experiencing increasing staff shortages. This report from Eurofound maps the LTC workforce’s working conditions and the nature of employment and role of collective bargaining in the sector. It also discusses policies to make the sector more attractive, combat undeclared […]

Recruitment and Retention in European Social Services – joint position paper

This paper examines what can be done to improve the attractiveness of the social services sector based on the discussion between EPSU and the Social Employers in the framework of the PESSIS+ and DialogueS projects. The document also outlines the role of the European Union and the one of Collective Bargaining and Social Dialogue. Download […]

Human Rights, Ageing, and Intersectionality in the Time of COVID-19

What impact will the pandemic have on human rights of older persons? This publication addresses human rights issues affecting older persons, particularly those emerging during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as age discrimination, poverty, isolation and ‘intersectional discrimination’. This wider issue focus on Human Rights of Older Persons and COVID-19 includes an article on “Human Rights, […]

Mapping study on the intergenerational dimension of sport

The key objective of this small-scale research study has been to collect knowledge on the intergenerational dimension of sport and identify good practice initiatives in this area. The study also aims to develop knowledge on the main benefits, barriers and facilitators to the intergenerational dimension of sport. The specific focus of the study has been […]

Age discrimination law outside the employment field

This report provides an analysis of the current law at regional and national level within the EU on the issue of age discrimination in the fields of social protection, education, housing, healthcare and access to goods and services. The Introduction to this report provides background information on the issue of age discrimination in the EU […]

Health at a Glance: Europe 2020

The report ‘Health at a Glance: Europe 2020’, published by the European Commission and the OECD, provides a first look at comparative data on how European countries have experienced and responded to the pandemic. The report calls on policymakers to plan effective strategies to re-open their economies to avoid further re-confinements, including more effective testing, […]

How to better tackle elder abuse in Belgium? – report in EN and FR

Elder abuse is estimated to affect one in six people aged 60 or older worldwide, but only 1 in 24 cases is reported. The Belgian Federal Centre of Expertise for Health Care (KCE) has published a report providing a clearer picture of the obstacles that hinder the detection of problematic situations and their management. The […]

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