COVID and Longer Lives: Combating ageism and creating solutions

The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected older people around the world, causing devastating blows to their physical health, their mental health and their livelihoods. The insidious effects of ageism are making these challenges even more difficult to overcome. Stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination based on age enhance existing inequalities and prevent effective countermeasures. The assumption that […]

Living, working and COVID-19 – Eurofound report

This report presents the findings of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, carried out by Eurofound to capture the far-reaching implications of the pandemic for the way people live and work across Europe. Two rounds of the e-survey have been carried out to date: one in April, when most Member States were in lockdown, and […]

An old age problem? How society shapes and reinforces negative attitudes to ageing

This new report by the UK Centre for Ageing Better looks at how ageing and later life are spoken about across government and politics, the media and social media, advertising and the charity sector. It reinforces concerns raised around the treatment of older people during the COVID-19 pandemic and warns that the language commonly used […]

Golden years in Belgium: an expat guide to life after retirement

This practical guide produced by the King Baudouin Foundation and the Federation of Notaries, offers useful tips and advice on how expats can enjoy retirement in Belgium. It covers a large range of areas from meeting people and buying property to health care, pension, inheritance rights, and more. Dowload the guide here

Long-Term and Pension Savings: The Real Return – 2020 edition

BETTER FINANCE has released the eighth edition of its report on the Real Return of Long-Term and Pension Savings (shorter version here). The report reveals that despite better performances in 2019, poor real long-term returns persist. It also warns of negative effects of the health crisis on pension adequacy. Read our article

The experience of people approaching later life in lockdown – UK report

This report by the Center for Ageing Better explores how people in their 50s and 60s experienced the pandemic in the UK, with a focus on four key areas: homes, community, health and work. It finds that the lockdown has been tough on some – many people have seen their health deteriorate with more unhealthy […]

COVID-19: Impact of on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons + data

The Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, Claudia Mahler, has recently published a report on the ‘Impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons‘. The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on the human rights protection challenges facing older persons in […]

Workforce and safety in long-term care during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID‑19 crisis has put the spotlight on the long-term care (LTC) sector. Older people and their care workers have been disproportionately affected by the COVID‑19 pandemic. Many OECD countries have taken measures to contain the spread of the infection and mitigate its impact on vulnerable groups. Yet the health crisis is highlighting and exacerbating […]

Reframing Ageing in Australia

The EveryAGE Counts campaign in Australia worked with a team of researchers from the University of Sydney to better understand ageism. This study involved 27 participants from four different locations across Australia and explored how the ways that we talk about getting older influence our perceptions and attitudes. The research also explored how changing the […]

Time for a UN Convention on the rights of older persons – Discussion paper

In order to feed the discussions launched by the United Nations Open-ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWG) on the relevance a new international instrument to protect older persons’ rights, AGE has joined forces with a number of representatives of NGOs and experts to publish a paper building the case for an UN Convention on the […]

‘What do fundamental rights mean for people in the EU? – FRA survey report

The ‘What do fundamental rights mean for people in the EU?’ report reveals that 88% of people in the EU believe that human rights help create fairer societies, “it is alarming how many young Europeans or those who struggle to make ends meet feel abandoned by human rights. Human rights are for everyone and nobody […]

Who Cares? Attracting and Retaining Care Workers for the Elderly – OECD

This report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) presents the most up-to-date and comprehensive cross-country assessment of long-term care (LTC) workers, the tasks they perform and the policies to address shortages in OECD countries. It highlights the importance of improving working conditions in the sector and making care work more attractive and […]

European Commission Report on the Impact of Demographic Change in Europe

The European Commission has adopted its Report on the Impact of Demographic Change. The report, published on 17 June 2020, shows the long-term demographic trends in Europe, the differences across EU countries, and the need to address the impact of the demographic change on growth and sustainability, employment, health and long-term care in different parts […]

Isolement des personnes âgées: les effets du confinement en France

Ce rapport, publié par les ‘Petits Frères des Pauvres’, synthétise les résultats d’une étude sur la solitude et l’isolement des personnes âgées en France pendant le confinement et relaye leur témoignage de vie pendant cette période particulière. Vous y touverez également une vue d’ensembe (chiffres à l’appui) de la réalité de l’isolement des aînés en […]

Living longer, but in better or worse health? – WHO policy brief

People in Europe tend to live much longer than they used to, but in what state of health are these additional years spent? Are the aims of policies promoting healthy and active ageing being achieved or is an increasing share of life years being spent in poor health? These questions matter not only to the […]

Practical tips on co-creation with older adults and informal carers

AGE Platform Europe is a partner to MATUROLIFE, an EU-funded project that develops fashionable assistive technologies to make older persons lives easier and more independent. To develop these technologies – a smart sofa, a garment and shoes – interviews and co-creation workshops were conducted with older persons and their carers in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, […]

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