Strengthening the Health Systems Response to COVID-19 – WHO Europe

The European Office of the World Health Organization has published policy guidance on preventing and managing the COVID-19 pandemic across long-term care services in Europe. WHO recommendations aim for guaranteeing the availability, continuity and quality of those services during the pandemic. Read our article

Social Sustainability – Concepts and Benchmarks

This study looks at definitions and ways to measure and benchmark social sustainability and explores how the concept can be integrated into EU policy-making processes, giving concrete examples of how it is already used in policies and projects at national, regional and local level. This document was provided by Policy Department A at the request […]

Demography and the Coronavirus Pandemic

In light of the recent COVID-19 crisis, one of the most urgent policy issues is to gain a better understanding of the extent and ways in which demographics have determined different patterns of mortality in European countries due to the virus, and whether and how the pandemic and its economic consequences will affect population dynamics […]

Doddery but dear?: Examining age-related stereotypes

Despite profound changes to the age structure of our society, ageism is still rife. This report from the UK Center for Ageing Better looks at the role and impact of language and stereotypes in framing old age and ageing in the UK, summarising what existing research tells us. Download the report here

Gender equality in ageing societies – UNECE Policy Brief

To mark the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action on gender equality, the latest UNECE Policy Brief on Ageing explores the challenges of addressing gender gaps in ageing societies, providing recommendations on how to strengthen gender equality measures. Read a summary of UNECE’s recommendations here Download the full briefing here Photo […]

Ageism in culturally diverse communities – study report

Photo from EveryAge Counts’ website In Australia, a third of older people are from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. While it is true that some cultures have very strong traditions of respect for and inclusion of older citizens, it is not the case that ageism doesn’t exist at all. Awareness and experience of ageism […]

Never too late: Prevention in an ageing world – ILC UK report

Following a year-long programme engaging policymakers and thought leaders across the world on Prevention in an ageing world, this report explores how health care systems can better prevent ill health across people’s lives. Preventative interventions work, they are often highly cost-effective and can bring significant social and economic benefits. But we’re still failing to prioritise […]

Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe – Comparative synthesis report

Social enterprises are businesses whose primary goal is to generate positive social impact. The can help pursue fair demographic, green and digital transitions, in delivering e.g. essential care services, providing job opportunities for disadvantaged groups, or addressing a wider range of societal challenges. Social entreprises exist in every European country, yet they are sometimes rather […]

Health inequalities: a public health challenge for European policy-makers

Taking into consideration the complexity of challenges that health inequalities represent for EU policy makers within the next five years, the present paper, published by the European Health Alliance (EPHA), intends to analyse the social and environmental determinants causing health and social disparities within EU Member States focusing on some public health, social and environmental […]

Joint EU Employment Report 2020

The Joint Employment Report provides an annual overview of key employment and social developments in Europe as well as EU countries’ reform actions. It also monitors Member States’ performance in relation to the Social Scoreboard set up in the context of the European Pillar of Social Rights. The initial proposal for this report by the […]

Human medicines: highlights of 2019

The European Medicine Agency (EMA) has published an overview of its key recommendations in 2019 on the authorisation and safety monitoring of medicines for human use. Once a medicine is authorised by the European Commission and prescribed to patients, EMA and the EU Member States continuously monitor its quality and benefit-risk balance and take regulatory […]

EIGE Gender Equality Index 2019

The Gender Equality Index is a tool to measure the progress of gender equality in the EU, developed by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). It gives more visibility to areas that need improvement and ultimately supports policy makers to design more effective gender equality measures. Progress in gender equality in European Union since […]

Age Discrimination in Austria and Ireland – Euroageism publication

This publication represents the first-year research from the PhD-project “The social construction of age discrimination experience in two European countries with different legal protection frameworks”, as part of the interdisciplinary research network programme Euroageism, of which AGE Plaform Europe is a partner. Based on an older people-centred approach, the current project investigates how older adults […]

Toolkit on gender-sensitive communication

Developed by EIGE, the European Union’s Knowledge Centre on Gender Equality, this toolkit is an easy-to-use guide on how to use more gender-sensitive language. It is intended for policymakers, legislators, media and anyone with an interest in making their communication more inclusive. Words matter in shaping our worldview.  Language is a reflection of the attitudes, […]

Pensions at a Glance 2019 – OECD report

The 2019 edition of Pensions at a Glance highlights the pension reforms undertaken by OECD countries over the last two years. Moreover, two special chapters focus on non-standard work and pensions in OECD countries, take stock of different approaches to organising pensions for non-standard workers in the OECD, discuss why non-standard work raises pension issues […]

A Society for all Ages – BAGSO publication

Where does international policy on older people stand and what does it mean for the work of older people’s organisations on the ground? The Second United Nations Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA), adopted in Madrid in 2002, remains an important milestone and framework for today’s policies. In this brochure, BAGSO, the German […]

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