Discrimination in the European Union – Eurobarometer survey

On 23 October, a special Eurobarometer report was released, painting a picture of the situation of discrimination in the European Union. The survey was commissioned to find out more about people’s attitudes towards discrimination. Women and men in all fifteen member countries were asked about discrimination they may have experienced or seen at work, in […]

Health at a Glance 2019 – OECD report

Health at a Glance 2019 provides the latest comparable data and trends over time on population health and health system performance across OECD members, candidate and partner countries. It highlights how countries differ in terms of the health status and health-seeking behaviour of their citizens; access to and quality of health care; and the resources […]

Securing High-quality Data on Populations

Evidence-based policy requires high-quality data. Three European research infrastructures have been created to collect, process, organise and disseminate high-quality data: EuroCohort, GGP and SHARE. These research infrastructures are governed by what scientists call the FAIR principles. Read more on those infrastructures and how they work in this policy brief by Population Europe

Falling through the cracks: Exposing inequalities in the European Union and beyond

Despite the European Union’s commitment to leave no one behind, millions of people in Europe are falling victim to widening inequalities. The new EU-wide report ‘Falling through the cracks: Exposing inequalities in the European Union and beyond’ shines a light on the impact of rising inequalities on people and planet. It provides a national picture […]

Make Your Neighbourhood Age-Friendly – UK toolkit

Starting from the idea that small changes can make a huge difference to quality of life for older people, this toolikit by Bristol Ageing Better aims to inspire people to take an active role in community life and provide them with the tools and ideas needed to create change in their neighbourhood. The publication includes […]

Transforming the future of ageing – SAPEA report

How can we ensure Europe’s ageing societies are sustainable, fair and inclusive? A new research report shares further evidence on the challenges raised by the ageing of the EU population. This report by SAPEA, an advisory research body providing independent scientific advice to European Commissioners, shows that the ageing process needs to be transformed. Our […]

Working conditions and workers’ health – Eurofound

This report analyzes the impact of working conditions on worker’s health and the interaction between work demands – which carry an increased risk of exhaustion – and work resources – which support workers in greater engagement and well-being. The findings indicate that physical risks have not increased but remain important, while emotional demands have increased, […]

Manual for patients – Patient’s right to accessing healthcare across EU

Under the Cross-border Healthcare Directive, patients have the right to access health services in another EU/EEA country and to enjoy assumption of costs by their home country. Produced under the Health Programme (2014-2020), this toolbox is intended for patients and National Contact Points (NCPs) set up in each Member State with the purpose of facilitating […]

Combating ageism in the world of work – UNECE

This policy brief published by UNECE examines the prevalance of ageism in employment and how to address it. Ageism is the stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination against people based on their age. Many older workers face ageism when looking for new jobs, training opportunities and career development or are pushed to leave into early retirement in […]

The pillars of Europe: The legacy of the Maastricht Treaty after 25 years

November 2018 marked the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty of the European Union Treaty, signed in Maastricht in 1992, a turning point in the process of European integration. This publication examines the detailed path to Maastricht and its three pillars: the Community, the common foreign and security policy, and Justice […]

Ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities in the EU – EDF Human Rights Report

In the third issue of its annual European Human Rights report Series, the European Disability Forum (EDF) takes a systematic look at equality and non-discrimination for persons with disabilities in Europe and evaluates current gaps. The document includes a review of equality frameworks in each EU Member State and a section on lmultiple and intersectional […]

Demographic trends in EU regions – EP briefing

All EU regions are affected by demographic impacts, such as the ageing of the population driven by longer life-spans and low levels of fertility, yet some – especially remote, rural and/or border regions that face massive depopulation – experience these impacts much more strongly than others. This briefing published by the research service of the […]

Fighting Discrimination on the Ground of Age – Equinet Discussion Paper

This Discussion Paper by Equinet takes stock of the situation of age discrimination in European countries, paying particular attention to legal issues and the areas of employment, provision of good and services, housing and health & family. It includes 5 chapters: The first chapter provides a general overview of the EU legal framework, international case […]

Les essentiels amis des ainés – collection d’ouvrages

Le Réseau Francophone des Villes Amies des Aînés a publié une collection d’ouvrages sur les enjeux majeurs de la place des aînés dans la société et l’action des territoires qui oeuvrent à relever le défi du vieillissement. La lutte contre l’isolement, la comunication, les nouvelles technologies et la ‘Silver economy’, l’Intergénération, la mobilité et les […]

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