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Young and older generations join forces to address COVID-19 crisis across Europe


The importance of intergenerational bonds may have never been more apparent than in this time of COVID-19 pandemic. While millions of people remain confined in their homes in solidarity with the healthcare workers and to protect those who are most at risks of severe COVID-19 health consequences, multiple initiatives are being taken by people of all generations across Europe, expressing empathy, solidarity and unity as the best response to the pandemic.

In Belgium, Jeanine sews colourful masks for her children and grandchildren and teaches their grandchildren via Skype how they can make one by themselves.

With the help of volunteers, Cyril, whose grand-mother died from the virus alone at the hospital, is collecting and revamping old tablets to be distributed in hospitals to help severly hit patients remain in contact with their family. (view the video in French)

Martine, who had to close the food aid association she is running, still faces every day her fear of the disease to bring assistance to the people most in need within her community.

In Ireland, Linda, who’s been retired from teaching for 16 years. is helping her grand-children with homeworks online and inspiring further similar initiatives in her community.

In the UK, Vaughan, a retired nurse, has returned to work to support workforce under pressure in hospitals.

In Hungary, Adam, a young musician, plays music from his balcony in the city center to cheer up his confined neighbours.

In France, to alleviate the strain of containment, Andrée organizes reading, drawing and writing activities for young and older residents in her community.

In Italy, Manel takes advantage of these days of confinement to restore a little kitchen for his granddaughters to play with when they can come for a visit again (link)

Juan Antonio, 51, a care worker confined at home with COVID-19 and looking forward to recovering soon to go back to his work and fight the virus.

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