Irish Senior Enterprise Initiative promotes entrepreneurship among 50+

Senior Enterprise is an EU supported initiative aimed at fostering seniors’ involvement with enterprise. It seeks for instance to help people aged over 50 to start, acquire or invest in a business or be active as advisors in new and developing businesses.The Senior Enterprise Initiative has won the Investing in Skills Category at the European […]

Website to identify your best health app

On 14 November 2013, at an open day on health applications in Brussels, the UK-based research and publishing company PatientView focusing on patient perspectives on health issues officially launched a search tool to help people find a suitable health app. The new website ( is both a search tool and a database giving a complete […]

Web and mobile guide of accessible places a free collaborative guide of accessible places The French non-profit association created in 2006 a guide available on the internet ( and as mobile application (Jaccede Mobile for iphone and Android) mapping the places accessible to people with reduced mobility in order to help them move around and take an active part in […]

Care pet project

Care pet project in the NL: the project of ZorgDier Foundation Netherlands Convinced that pets have a therapeutic effect on people in care situation, ZorgDier Foundation Netherlands offers care activities or treatment involving animal. Those activities are run by trained volunteers, so-called ‘ZorgDier teams’ and determined in cooperation a therapist. For more information, please visit […]

Dutch online platform for mutual support and solidarity

A Dutch online platform connects people who need some help and people who have some time left to help: It is free and for everyone. You can also take care of another person temporarily or for a longer period of time via the website.

DUO for a JOB

DUO for a JOB is an association based in Brussels and working in the field of intergenerational mentoring. Experienced professionals in (early) retirement are put into contact with young job seekers, in order to give them advice and support. Mentoring also offers the opportunity to build intergenerational and intercultural links, thus reinforcing social cohesion in […]

Reboot: European partnership to promote adult education

Reboot: European partnership to promote adult education Reboot is a partnership of five EU countries (Belgium, Italy, Poland, Turkey, UK) aiming to address the educational challenge of an ageing Eruopean population and promote active ageing in fostering European cooperation in the field of lifelong learning and the management of adult education. The partnership seeks to […]

French association ASSPRO in support of seniors’ employment

French association ASSPRO in support of seniors’ employment ASSPRO aims to help active seniors to find a job, complement their activities or become self-employed in providing them with relevant information and connect them with socio-economic actors.To support its activities, the association runs ‘coffee-break sessions’ for active seniors (‘Cafés des actifs’) organises the first ‘salon des […]

Mobile accessibility database

Mobile accessibility database The MMF-Mobile Manufacturers Federation, a network of mobile manufacturers, have developed the Global Accessibility Reporting Initiative (GARI) project providing a centralized information systems helping consumers with particular needs identify phones with the features that may assist them. This initiative being carried out by several companies, it is not linked to a specific […]

Swiss website to prevent alcohol abuse among older people

In Switzerland, a website has been developed to better inform seniors on the risk of alcohol consumption and its (negative) effects on ageing process (the effect of alcohol is stronger on young and older people). According to a survey carried out in Switzerland on addiction, alcohol consumption tends to increase with age; in 2011 5,6% […]

Vigi’Fall for safer ageing at home

The FallWatch Consortium has developed a tiny triangular patch called Vigi’Fall that can be worn by the user in a non-intrusive, permanent manner. The patch interact with sensors placed throughout the living area and a central control box to detect any serious fall and timely inform emergency medical team. The next phase of the project […]

Giraffplus project: Smart homes technology tested in real homes

The aim of GiraffPlus, an FP7-funded project led by researchers at Örebro University, Sweden is to promote safer and healthier ageing at home using technological assisting devices which enable to monitor an older people’s health on a continuous basis. Information such as blood pressure, body temperature, movement, fall, are collected through sensors and analysed by […]

French publication on good practices on working conditions for seniors

A publication in French collecting good practices on work conditions for senior workers has been issued by the French Northern region Picardie with the support of the European Social Fund. It examines the challenges to be considered in relation to senior workers’ well being and reports on companies’ experience to improve working conditions (and prevent […]

Intergenerational housing initiatives for students and older lonely persons

1toit2ages, Belgium The Belgian association 1toit2ages attempts to reconcile two needs: that of students in search of confortable, inexpensive accommodation and that of the older persons living alone and looking for company. The association helps students find a room with an elderly person in return for a bit of company during the evening and a […]

Integrated community house in Belgium

The BILOBA house (Maison Biloba Huis) in Brussels, Belgium, aimed to offer shared solidarity-based multicultural and intergenerational accommodation integrated in the local community life and intended for independent older people from all origins. It offers about 15 individual spaces (with private kitchen, living room and bathroom) and common places to meet, cook, rest, together with […]

Novartis Spain

Novartis Spain – GeneDiversity GeneDiversity is a project enacted by Novartis Spain, part of the second largest pharmaceutical company worldwide, in order to encourage intergenerational solidarity in the workplace. The goals include increased communication to promote an eventual seamless transition for critical positions. This involves seminars, mentoring, and reciprocal learning between generational groups. An action […]


ACCOMPANY The ACCOMPANY project, Acceptable Robotic Companions for Ageing Years began in October 2011 & will last for 36 months. ACCOMPANY is trying to assist elderly people in maintaining their health and independence for longer through using a socially intelligent service robot. In this way we hope to delay the moment when elderly people will […]


SCRIPT (Supervised Care and Rehabilitation Involving Personal Tele-Robotics) The SCRIPT project began in November 2011 & will last for 36 months. Due to the high costs of clinical neuro-rehabilitation, post stroke treatments are limited in many countries to only a few weeks after the stroke event. Any system aimed at prolonging neuro-rehabilitation out of the […]

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