‘L’Outil en Main promotes’ labour work among young people in France

L’Outil en main is a French initiative whose objective is to promote handicraft among young people aged 9 to 14 while fostering exchange and solidarity between generations. Weekly workshops are run mostly by retired skilled labourers, who are willing to remain active and share their passion and knowledge. This also aims to better recognize the […]

Funky fitness in care homes

Through dancing classes, “chairobics”, cheerleading or pom-pom shaking, older people in Northern England care homes get involved in physical activities and have a chance to improve mental alertness, physical health and mobility. The Oomph! award-winning project, is a social enterprise launched 3 years ago, with now more than 600 care homes in the north of […]

New website supports silver economy in France

A new web portal dedicated to seniors’ employment and employment in the silver economy has been created in France. It serves as a platform aimed at facilitating contacts between recruiting companies, jobseekers and other actors willing to get involved. To access the portat: https://emploi.silvereco.fr In addition to a this job dedicated website, a free and […]

UK GoodGym scheme helps you get fit while helping your local community

The GoodGym programme pairs runners with isolated less-mobile people in their area. Runners jog to their house, deliver something nice, have a brief chat and are on their way again. It helps them get fit by providing a good reason to go for a run and it helps the persons visited by providing them with […]

Entertaining videos to learn more on brain health and dementia

The Freedem Films provide practical advice on brain health and memory in an entertaining and instructive way. The aim is to increase public and professional awareness around these issues while at the same time tackle the stigma and fear that can accompany a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in later life. Based on scientific […]

Digital applications to improve cognitive and mental health

SOCIABLE offers ICT-assisted cognitive training and social activation to senior citizens, older adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment and patients suffering from mild Alzheimer’s disease, helping them stay mentally fit. At the heart of the project is a single platform (a tablet, an ‘all-in-one’ PC or a ‘digital table’, a table with a touch-screen) and over […]

Best Agers Lighthouses: Mentoring ageing strategies in Baltic companies

The Best Agers Lighthouses Project is bringing together partners from the whole Baltic Sea region in order to support the employment of older workers in small and medium-sized companies through Local Age Management Partnerships. The project presented its first results in Brussels on 13 May 2014. The project is run by a number of regional […]

‘MC² Experience @ Work’ supports employment of 50+ workers in Belgium

‘MC² Experience @ Work’ is a social innovation project, initiated and driven by HazelHeartwood, with the support of large partners, which allows the temporary exchange of experienced employees on the basis of co-sourcing between companies. The objective of the project is to reconcile two conflicting tendencies: large companies tend to promote early retirement, while at […]

Quality Certificate for Czech providers of social care services

Since 2011, in the Czech Republic, an external quality assessment has been made available to managers of care homes in order to improve the quality of care by helping them point out weaknesses in the provision of care and giving recommendations where improvement can be achieved. The Quality Certificate is an external certification system based […]

Web nurses to support informal carers in Hungary

A ‘Webnurse’ programme in Hungary has developed a website to support informal carers who take care of an elderly and/or ill person in her/his home. This website provides tutorial videos, help- desk and various useful links and services to assist carers in their every-day tasks. The Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta (HCSOM), […]

Belgian Professional Experience Fund: adapting small and large companies to ageing since 2004

AGE Secretary General, Anne-Sophie Parent, participated in a conference on 3 April 2014 celebrating the 10 year’s anniversary of the Belgian Professional Experience Fund. This fund is designed to subsidise companies for specific measures that support older employees. Surprisingly, the majority of companies supported by the Fund are small and medium-sized companies. Anne Himpens, the […]

How to deal with longer working lives: a human resources perspective

CSR Europe, the European business network on corporate social responsibility, is currently leading a project to help companies integrate age management in their human resources policies. This project has just developed a self-assessment tool to support companies’ effort in that field. The workforce of European companies is getting older. How can they ensure their workforce […]

Living map of ageing innovators

The living map of ageing innovators provides a quick guide to current worldwide ageing related initiatives which support ageing well. It is aimed to become a useful resource for innovators. To access the guide: https://ageinginnovators.org

Generation Games, the sporting event connecting people of all ages

The Generation Games is an intergenerational event making connections between people of all ages through sport. In all activities of the sporting event (logo design, hospitality during the event, volunteers, communication, design of relay batons, event management, et cetera), generations work closely together. It is a fun grassroots sporting event in the city: teams of […]

Global certification scheme senior-friendly hotels friendly

Seniors are an important and fast growing segment in the tourism industry worldwide. In order to offer a “friendly” hospitality experience for seniors, accommodation facilities need to have in place special features in terms of both infrastructure and the way older guests are treated by the staff. Seniors may experience some natural decline in their […]

Full Social Jacket web documentary on social protection

Full Social Jacket is a web documentary on social protection that seeks to open the debate on the challenges of a social Europe and unite the actors of social protection. Free of charge and accessible to everyone, the project has produced a website with 10 films telling real-life stories and expert interviews on 10 different […]

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