Postmen in support of older isolated persons in eastern France

The French city of Dijon has started a new experimentation to address two current trends: the reduction in postal mailings and the ageing of the population. The idea is to assign about one thousand postmen to support older people’s independent living in remote areas and combat their isolation. In partnership with some rural municipalities, postmen […]

‘Autour d’une table’ as an alternative to home delivered lunches

In Geneva, Switzerland, an initiative entitled ‘Autour d’une table’ (‘Around a table’) enables older people to sit and eat together every week in a restaurant close to their home, as an alternative to the lunch delivered at home. This initiative aims to combat social isolation and promote solidarity, health and social inclusion. This project, set […]

Full Social Jacket web documentary on social protection

Full Social Jacket is a web documentary on social protection that seeks to open the debate on the challenges of a social Europe and unite the actors of social protection. Free of charge and accessible to everyone, the project has produced a website with 10 films telling real-life stories and expert interviews on 10 different […]

Dutch online platform for mutual support and solidarity

A Dutch online platform connects people who need some help and people who have some time left to help: It is free and for everyone. You can also take care of another person temporarily or for a longer period of time via the website.

Integrated community house in Belgium

The BILOBA house (Maison Biloba Huis) in Brussels, Belgium, aimed to offer shared solidarity-based multicultural and intergenerational accommodation integrated in the local community life and intended for independent older people from all origins. It offers about 15 individual spaces (with private kitchen, living room and bathroom) and common places to meet, cook, rest, together with […]

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