International conference on ‘Inclusiveness in an ageing society’ – call for papers

Reiactis_logo Organized by Reiactis (Réseau d’Études International sur l’Âge, la CitoyenneTé et l’Intégration Socio-économique) in Metz, France, on 4–6 February 2020, the conference will discuss explicit and implicit processes of exclusion or integration in the implementation of public policies, as well as in daily interactions between older people and their environment. Given the diversity among older people themselves, the interactions between physical, psychic, socio-economic and cultural determinants in the exclusion/inclusion processes will also be examined.

This pursuit of an inclusive society is not limited to ageing but involves concepts and attitudes towards diversity in modern societies. For that reason, the call for papers for the 6th International Reiactis Conference is open to any aspect of the cumulative process of exclusion/integration that overlaps with ageing, such as gender, disability, ethnic origin or socio-economic level.

You will find more details in this pdf document and on the website of the event.

This call is available in French on Reiactis website.

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