International Day of Older Persons: Let’s rewrite the story on ageing!

photo (cropped) : Centre for Ageing Better

On 1st October, the International Day of Older Persons, we invited everyone to join and rewrite the story on ageing so we can all age with rights. We also called on the European Union to lead the way by adopting an EU Age Equality Strategy and setting up a dedicated European Parliament Intergroup.

Every year, 1st October marks the International Day of Older Persons (IDOP). This year we celebrated recognizing the need for radical change in how our society sees older people. With the motto, ‘Let’s rewrite the story on ageing’ we asked everyone to use this international day not only as an occasion to commemorate, but importantly as an opportunity to reflect and take action.
And we led by example:

  • We challenged stereotypes around older age and spotlighted older people’s various contributions.
  • We reiterated our call for an EU Age Equality Strategy as the necessary starting point to lead the way for this transformation.
  • We advocated for an ambitious equality portfolio for the next European Commission and for the establishment of a European Parliament Intergroup for ‘A Europe for all ages’

We need to value and support contribution at all ages!

On social media, we reminded that…

  • Older people are an asset to society: And the important role they play in society needs to be better acknowledged and valued.
  • Older people are active in communities : They make invaluable contributions with everyday impact to our communities.
  • Older people are mentors in the workforce: Age diversity at work brings wisdom, skills, and a stronger team that connects with consumers of all ages and backgrounds.
  • Older people are anchors in families: Today older people work, volunteer, provide care for loved ones, and share their knowledge with younger generations. They want to continue doing so tomorrow.

We therefore asked the European Commission to lead the way by adopting an Age Equality Strategy that would promote and support older people’s diverse and essential contributions.

Ageism hurts!

Words have power. Words shape reality. It’s up to all of us how old age is perceived. Don’t let it turn out to be colourless and sad. Let’s fight ageism together and ensure equal rights at all ages!

This is the main message of the video from AGE Polish member organisation Bonum Vitae published on older people’s international day, as part of its Ageism hurts campaign co-funded by AGE 2024 regranting scheme.

If we want to value and promote inclusion and participation at all ages, we first need to combat ageist perceptions and stereotypes. Bonum Vitae’s initiative challenges us to reflect on ageism in our society and how each of us can change the way we view ageing and older people. By promoting positive narratives, we can work together toward a society for all ages.

Our call for the new European Commission

Following the elections of the new European Parliament last summer, the new European Commission is being set up. While, in the current context of a rapidly ageing population, we would expect the issue of ageing and age discrimination to be among the priorities in the EU agenda, the designation of the new college of EU Commissioners includes the downgrade of the equality portfolio and a complete lack of mention to age discrimination.

In response to this, we joined civil society networks and the European Parliament Intergroups on LGBTIQ+ Rights and on Anti-Racism and Diversity in raising concerns about the failure to grant the Commissioner-designate a broad mandate to lead the fight against structural and intersectional discrimination and to advance anti-discrimination legislation. Our call has been echoed in the highly regarded media outlet The Guardian, where our Secretary General, Maciej Kucharczyk highlighted :

“At a time when inequalities are increasing in our societies across all population and age groups, the EU must step up – not scale down – its efforts.”
Maciej Kucharczyk

Our call for the creation of a European Parliament Intergroup

We also highlighted the downgrading of ageing issues at an event that we co-organized at the European Parliament on 2 October, together with MEP Idoia Mendía, Marina Kaljurand and Marcos Ros Sempere. We invited Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) for a debate with representatives of AGE, the European Youth Forum and Eurocarers.

The main objective of this event was the launch of AGE campaign for the creation of a European Parliament Intergroup dedicated to a “Europe for all Ages”. This intergroup, supported by MEPs from various political groups and civil society networks, will aim to develop policies that equally protect rights at all age while promoting intergenerational solidarity.
We have until 24th October to collect as many signatures as possible in order to form this intergroup.

We were also active at UN level…

AGE also co-sponsored the event of the UN NGO Committee on Ageing: Geneva Calls: A Pivotal Moment for Older Persons’ Rights. This event gathered key UN actors to discuss collaborative and strategic methods to enhance global efforts in upholding and advancing human rights in old age, in particular through the adoption of a new UN convention.

And at national level…

On the international day, AGE members across Europe were also actively engaged in celebrating ageing and promoting a Europe for all ages.

AGE joined the 1st international congress on older LGBTI+ which was organised by our member Fundacion26 Diciembre in Madrid on October 3rd and 4th. This interdisciplinary event gathered actors from civil society, research, culture and policy to take stock of knowledge and experiences and discuss proposals for fighting inequality for older LGBTI+.Our Human Rights Manager, Nena Georgantzi, presented our work in this area, including the joint report we published with ILGA Europe.

>> You can watch the recorded sessions here.

We also joined an online event organised by Older Women’s Network EU and Linkoping University, which drew together researchers, activists, professionals, human rights’ experts and anyone interested in discussing issues related to the experience of ageism and sexism faced by women in old age. The conference included sessions regarding older women’s experiences of inequalities and their representation in culture. Nena Georgantzi, our Human Rights Manager gave a keynote speech on the added value of a rights-based approach to advance equality for women in old age and build a new narrative on ageing. 

The International Day of Older Persons 2024 was a key catalyst to advocate for equality in old age. But the struggle continues. We all have a role to play. In acting together we can rewrite the story on ageing!

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