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Internet Saloon wins 2012 Skills for Employability Awards in category on Active Ageing through IT learning

Internet Saloon wins 2012 Skills for Employability Awards in category on Active Ageing through IT learning

Internet Salon is an Italian project started in 2000 in Milan to enhance and disseminate the use of internet and new technologies among older adults. It includes a special programme to assist job seekers aged 50+ through the use of online tools. The project has now extended to 7 more cities in Italy.

Skills for Employability Awards 2011

The Awards was organised by the European Alliance on Skills for Employability (EASE), in partnership with Adecco. It aimed to provide the opportunity to celebrate outstanding and effective uses of ICT training and skills development adapted by NGOs to raise employment prospects and improve digital and social inclusion of the young, the disabled, older workers and other unemployed or under-employed people throughout the European Union.

The Awards included the following three categories (including two categories directly related to AGE activities):

  • Youth Empowerment through Skills
  • Active Aging through IT learning

This category refers to project focusing on the acquisition of e-skills and better access to information technology (ICT) for elderly people through teaching, mentoring and/or tutoring.
Submissions should demonstrate tangible results in creating better job opportunities and working conditions for older people, helping them take an active role in family life and society, combating isolation and promoting learning exchange.

  • Empowering Women through Technology

AGE was part of the contest’s jury due to its expertise on issues related to older workers. Other jury members include representatives from the European Center for Women and Technology, the European e-skills Association, CSR Europe, the Platform of European Social NGOs, the European Training Foundation, Adecco, Microsoft and State Street (EASE members).

For more information, please visit the website of the Awards

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