Since January this year AGE has joined the 3-year EU project MATUROLIFE, which aims at designing smart textiles to support independent living and quality of life in old age. Although assistive technologies can help older persons to live independently for longer, they are often experienced as stigmatising and uncomfortable due to a lack of relevance, poor design, or weak reliability. MATUROLIFE will co-design prototypes of new assistive technologies with end-users. These assistive technologies will be embedded in functional but fashionable, desirable and acceptable footwear, clothing and furniture.
You will find more information on this project in this article.
The objective of AGE participation is to ensure the involvement of older persons in the development of the project by running a Stakeholder Representative Panel during the course of the project and by recruiting individuals to participate the co-creation workshops and the testing of the developed solutions. We are currently building a community of interested stakeholders. As member of the community, you will receive the latest news on the co-creation process as well as on the development and testing of the products.
If you are interested in this project, please subscribe to our diffusion list by clicking here.
For more information on MATUROLIFE and AGE involvement, please contact:
– Ophelie Durand :
– Ilenia Gheno:
– Sandra Degelsegger :