Joint call for stronger legal protections for air passengers with disabilities


AGE is joining the call of the European Disability Forum to strengthen the rights of persons with disabilities and with reduced mobility when travelling by air.

Air travel is the transportation mode in which persons with disabilities and reduced mobility experience the most difficulties and human rights violations, compared to transport modes covered by EU legislation. In a joint letter to the European Commissioners for transport and for equality, we highlight the shortcomings of the current regulation with regard to the carriers’ and companies’ responsibilities towards passengers with disabilities.

Together with the European Disability Forum (EDF) and the European Passengers’ Federation (EPF), we call on the EU to:

  • address the common cases of denial of boarding, resulting from often arbitrary decisions by airlines.
  • increase companies’ liability on damaging and lost assistive devices, such as wheelchairs. Mobility equipment – that often costs tens of thousands of euros – is under the current regulation only classified as luggage.
  • ensure quality assistance in the airport and on the plane

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