#justice4Stanislav – Civil society stands against stigma and human rights abuses

ERGO-logo Following the death of Stanislav Tomáš, a Romani man from Teplice, Czech Republic, as a result the troubling police intervention last 19 June, ERGO, the European Roma Grassroots Organisations Network, sent a joint letter to the EU institutions demanding #justice4Stanislav. We have co-signed the letter together with 350 European networks, national NGOs and individuals across Europe and worldwide.

With this open letter, signatories urge the EU institutions to call for a fair and objective investigation into the case of Stanislav Tomáš, in line with European Court of Human Rights legislation, and to make a public statement against antigypsyism and police violence.

As a defender of equality and rights for all, AGE stands in solidarity with all the signatories of this letter. We believe that all forms of discrimination and human rights abuses need to be properly investigated and sanctioned. We also support the call for more EU action to combat hate crime based on bias and stigma and the need for further measures to avoid police violence and eliminate all forms of prejudice.

Read the joint letter

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