Older Persons’ International Day: Speak out for your rights in older age!

Every year on 1st October, the United Nations is marking the International Day on Older Persons (IDOP) by encouraging countries to draw attention to and challenge negative stereotypes and misconceptions about older persons and ageing, and to enable older persons to realize their potential. The topic of the 2022 edition is “Resilience of Older Persons […]

How to better prevent medicine shortages in the EU

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published a guidance for patients’ and healthcare professionals’ organisations with key principles and examples of good practices to support them in preventing and managing shortages of human medicines. Medicine shortages and reduced availability of medicines represent an increasing issue across the EU and the globe, and it has been […]

New report presents empowerment model for sustainable and quality long-term care

A new report commissioned by the Govenment of Biscay lays the fundations of a new, empowering, accessible and quality care model that respects older people’s rights, dignity and diversity. “The kind of care we all would like to receive at any moment of our lives when we may need it”. We contributed to the report […]

Strong Mobilisation from Civil Society Organisations in Geneva

The multi-stakeholder meeting was held at the United Nations in Geneva from 29 to 30 August 2022. The format of the event (hybrid) allowed for civil society organisations (CSOs) to show strong mobilisation and support to the Human Rights Council in making recommendations on how to advance the human rights of older persons. The aim […]

Defending Europe’s ‘social soul’ in the State of the European Union 2022

Last July, Social Platform, the EU network of social and non-for profit organisations, sent a letter to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in the preparation of her speech on the State of the European Union in September. The letter calls for including the “social soul” of Europe in the State of the EU speech. […]

Exploring opportunities in the ageing agenda in Europe

Last 23 June, AGE supported and participated in a seminar organised by the World Bank to explore opportunities in the ageing agenda in Europe and aise awareness on the urgent need to support and promote healthy ageing. Speakers and participants exchanged on a range of country examples and numerous policy implications, emphasizing the need for […]

New technology in care: opportunity or threat to older people’s rights?

How to ensure a future where technology is used to advance human rights, not threaten them? The question was raised and discussed with a panel of experts during an event that we organized jointly with the University of Essex Human Rights Centre and the International Longevity Centre UK. “A Digital Cage is Still a Cage” […]

Safe Financial Transactions Online – SAVE THE DATE!

Across the EU, financial and digital literacy decrease as age increases: older people are reported as being among the less digital connected share of the population. Many older people also experience difficulties in managing their finances. The combination of both financial and digital illiteracy makes older people particularly vulnerable. Despite this, both literacies are hardly […]

Register now to the EU-Japan Conference on Virtual Coaches for Smart Ageing

AGE Platform Europe, as a project partner of the e-VITA project, invites you warmly to the two day EU-Japan online conference on virtual coaches for smart ageing on 14-15 July 2022. This conference will be an opportunity to bring together older people as the targeted end users with experts, professionals, academics, and others relevant stakeholders, […]

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: ways forward

On the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and after two years of COVID-19 pandemic, which exposed the massive phenomenon of abuse in older age, can we hope for positive developments towards ensuring dignity in old age?

Life-long learning must be accessible at all ages, AGE reminds to EU ministers

Ahead of the adoption of EU recommendation on Individual Learning Accounts by EU ministers, we draw attention on the risks of reinforcing the exclusion of older people from European policies on life-long learning and education. In December 2021, the European Commission released a proposal for a Recommendation on Individual Learning Accounts, in line with the […]

‘Our bodies, our lives, our rights,’ also applies to older LGBTI people!

On the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia on 17 May, we want to shed light on the multiple and intersectional discriminations older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex (LGBTI) people face and recall their right to live free and in dignity! Because of their lived experiences at the intersection between their age (ageism), actual […]

Older people’s human rights: civil society deplores the lack of involvement of Member States in adopting a UN convention

Despite massive mobilisation from civil society for the 12th session of the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing, governments showed little commitment towards the creation of an international legally binding instrument. However, some advancements marked this year’s edition: the stronger call by some EU member states in favour of a United Nations’ Convention on […]

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