Engaging older citizens in urban planning for a more inclusive ageing society

Ensuring and facilitating the participation of older people in all decision-making processes is a human right and a key objective of our work. It is also the best way to make sure policies will meet the needs of the older population and effectively address the challenges of an ageing society. Why are Age Friendly Environments […]

Looking for older people to comment on global falls guideline

Despite developments in effective approaches to preventing falls over the past decades, the number of older persons who fall continues to rise. Established in 2019, the Global Falls Guideline Task Force aims to develop guidance for health care practitioners based on the best available evidence to prevent and manage falls in older persons. It is […]

Ukraine: the ‘oldest’ humanitarian crisis in the world

credit: Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash  More than seven million older people living in Ukraine are currently at risk as a result of the Russian invasion. Whether they decide to stay in Ukraine or to leave the country, older people deserve equal access to humanitarian aid.    Ukraine is among the fastest ageing countries in […]

Seniors under attack – disinformation targeted at Europe’s older people

As our societies become more digital, disinformation is also spreading. A growing trend that can have a detrimental impact on vulnerable people, as the COVID pandemic has revealed. An issue recently addressed during the webinar “Seniors under attack – disinformation targeted at Europe’s older people”. The goal of the webinar, hosted by MEP Radka Maxová, […]

Older people’s rights – our contribution to the upcoming UN discussions

AGE responded to the call for input of the United Nations (UN), Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWG) on how to better protect human rights in older age in 4 areas: sustainable development, economic security, right to work and access to justice. Our contribution is based on written input received from organisations of older people in several […]

EU Care Strategy – Europe must show it cares about older women!

photo by Nevenka Vidmar The European Commission announced the release of a European Care Strategy for this autumn. This echoes a long-held demand by AGE, other civil society organisations and members of the European Parliament to define a policy for long-term care in the EU. Demographic change and the pandemic have placed a high burden […]

‘We want to age with rights’: advocates mobilise ahead of UN discussions

On 3rd March, older people around the world are gathering under the same banner to urge governments to act. This mobilization is taking place a month ahead of the 12th session of the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWG), where governments have shown little progress in defend human rights in older age. This […]

COVID impact on long-term care should be addressed by new European Parliament committee

The establishment of a special committee on COVID-19 is currently under discussions within the European Parliament. Together with the European Public Services Union (EPSU) and the European Disability Forum (EDF), we addressed a letter to the President of the European Parliament calling for the mandate of this new committee to include the impact of the […]

Call for good practices on the use of technologies by older adults in Europe

The FAITh (Feeling SAfe to Transact Online In the Third Age) project, in which AGE is a partner, is calling for good practices with regard to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) by older adults in Europe. These good practices will be collected in a matrix providing a structured overview of the good […]

Experiencing Hate Speech: Responses, Coping Strategies & Interventions

The EU-funded project SDD – Smart for Democracy and Diversity has published the Compendium “Experiencing Hate Speech: Responses, Coping Strategies & Interventions”, based on various interviews with people who experienced hate speech and on national reports from the project’s partners. Since most of the applied and academic research about hate speech and hate crimes focuses […]

Green Paper on Ageing – AGE meets the European Commission to discuss follow-up

In autumn 2021 we sent an open letter to President Ursula von der Leyen in which we regretted the lack of a comprehensive response to the conclusions of last year’s European consultation on the Green Paper on Ageing. As a follow-up to that letter, our President and Secretary General met on 26 January European Commission’s […]

A glance at the challenges faced by older Roma in Europe

A snapshot published by ERGO provides a brief overview on the enhanced discrimination facing older Roma, and women in particular: shorter life expectancy, poorer health, increased poverty, inadequate housing and nutrition, and difficult working conditions. ERGO recommends a life-course approach, adequate statutory minimum pensions, addressing the gender dimension, fighting pervasive ageism and supporting access to […]

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