Ageing deserves a White Paper! – AGE replies to State of the Union address

Following the State of the Union address of the President of the European Commission, we express our concerns regarding the follow-up to be given to the Green Paper on Ageing. We very much regret that no word was said about how the European Commission wants to make our ageing societies a place for all ages. […]

2021 EU Long-term care report : A highly useful analysis to inform care policymaking

The EU long-term care report publised by the European Commission last June provides a good overview of the trends, challenges and opportunities of an ageing Europe. Yet, we have identified room for improvement, namely in terms of narrative and policy ambitions. We also point out some recommendations for action as a next step to this […]

Interested in innovation for ageing well? Subscribe to e-VITA’s newsletter

e-VITA is a joint European – Japanese cooperation project for smart ageing. Japan is known for having one of the oldest populations in the world and researching ways to support older adults in staying independent. AGE is involved in this international research project to encourage international exchange of good practices in the field of active […]

EU long-term vision for rural areas

The European Commission has recently published it long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas up to 2040, which identifies areas of action towards stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas and communities. Released on 30 June, the communication of the European Commission outlines the challenges and concerns that rural areas are facing and highlights some […]

Building a culture of life-long learning through individual credits & tailored certification

AGE has recently responded to two Commission consultations on life-long learning: a consultation on individual learning accounts explored the possibility to create accounts for every individual which would be credited by employers, public authorities or people themselves and be redeemed through education and life-long learning offers. a consultation on micro-credentials, i.e. certifications, for small learning […]

UN Decade of Healthy Ageing: Get on board!

Based on a proposal of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations have endorsed a Decade of Healthy Ageing 2021-2030. The Decade is a global collaboration that brings together diverse sectors and stakeholders to improve the lives of older people, their families and communities. Those stakeholders include governments, civil society, international organizations, professionals, academic […]

Conference on the future of Europe: Support our call for an Age Equality Strategy!

The Conference on the Future of Europe started last Spring and is now entering a new phase: citizens’ panels will start discussing and defining recommendations to be submitted to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission in early 2022. To nourish the debates a digital platform is open for every citizen to share […]

‘Lead with us’: A call to action

“Lead With Us” is an appeal to governments and media to genuinely engage with us – older people to champion human rights for all ages. Campaign with us to encourage your government and media to listen to older people’s voices! 1. Ask your government to discuss human rights with older people We have prepared this […]

Digital literacy and disinformation in Europe – DIGITOL keeps you updated

The DIGITOL project combats the effect and the spread of fake-news by developing older persons’ digital literacy and promoting EU common values. Learn more about DIGITOL’s approach through the Training of Trainers infographic (also available in Italian – Bulgarian – Greek – German), its newsletter (EN – IT – BG – GR – DE) and […]

#justice4Stanislav – Civil society stands against stigma and human rights abuses

Following the death of Stanislav Tomáš, a Romani man from Teplice, Czech Republic, as a result the troubling police intervention last 19 June, ERGO, the European Roma Grassroots Organisations Network, sent a joint letter to the EU institutions demanding #justice4Stanislav. We have co-signed the letter together with 350 European networks, national NGOs and individuals across […]

20 years of AGE, and so much to come!

Our network is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2021. The celebrations are not only the opportunity to look in the rear-view mirror. In the middle of a pandemic, we made it a point to stay connected, and to prepare for the future. Together. Three founding members In 2000, three organisations of older people – Eurolink […]

Digital and Assistive Technologies for Ageing: insights from European large-scale pilot projects

The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched the Digital and Assistive Technologies for Ageing. The initiative will encourage the global development, synthesis, and use of affordable, quality, digital and assistive technologies for ageing well. Last May WHO DATA organized a first webinar brought together ten large-scale pilot projects funded by the European Commission. The aim […]

Launch of European Platform on Combatting Homelessness

The European Platform on Combatting Homelessness was launched on 21 June at a high-level conference in Lisbon. The aim is to strengthen cooperation and mutual learning among all actors that aim to combat homelessness. At the event – co-organised by the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU, the European Commission and the European […]

Council endorses EU Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030

During a meeting on 14 June, Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs adopted conclusions on the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030. These conclusions call on the 27 EU member states to ensure better inclusion of people with disabilities and to guarantee the respect of their rights, particularly in terms of free […]

Impact of Climate Change on the Rights of Older Persons – UN Expert report

The Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) has released its study on the Impact of Climate Change on the Rights of Older Persons. In this study, OHCHR examines the human rights impacts of climate change on older persons and the related legal and policy commitments and obligations of States. It also highlights […]

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