Spanish portal ‘Accessibilitas’ available in English

Accessibilitas is a digital platform created by ONCE Foundation and the Royal Disability Board in order to promote the generation and dissemination of knowledge on Universal Accessibility. The platform gathers information on physical, technological and communication accessibility, such as accessibility legislation and standards, guidance and other materials, news, information about conferences and courses, and a […]

AGE joined citizen debate on artificial intelligence at beEU final event

On 25th May, a report presenting the results of a citizen panel on artificial intelligence (AI) was presented and debated in Brussels, in the presence of Belgian and European politicians, representatives of civil society and tech companies. AGE pointed out some potential risks in relation to social inclusion and non-discrimination. “AI holds great potential, (…) […]

Healthy Ageing & Prevention Index: how do countries perform worldwide?

The International Longevity Centre – ILC is seizing the momentum of the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris to remind that sports and fitness play an important role in people’s ability to live well and for longer. But, of course, no one is expected to live, train, and diet like an Olympian, and national states have […]

Civil society organisations outline the shape of a social EU ahead of the elections

At the conference ‘Building Together the EU We Want’, civil society organisations discussed the EU they want and proposed priorities for the new mandate. We were part of the discussions. Held by the Civil Society Organisations’ Group of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on 16 April, the event brought together civil society organisations at […]

Four days that will shape the next five years

Read our May newsletter With less than one month to go to the European elections, the EU institutions are bracing themselves for the next institutional cycle and setting their priorities. But the main thing that will shape EU’s future is the mobilisation and choice of its citizens. We call on all citizens to make an […]

Inclusive-by-design retail payments can boost innovation in the EU

AGE was invited to join a panel on Financial Inclusion at a conference organised on 24 April by the European Central Bank on “An innovative and integrated European retail payments market”. The access to safe, efficient and convenient means of payment is essential also in a digitalised world. But how can this be achieved when […]

AGE calls for ensuring that people everywhere can live in peace

AGE Statement 2024 AGE calls for ensuring that people everywhere can live in peace. Read our statement

“We, the members of AGE Council of Administration – which met on 12 April 2024 in Rome – are concerned about the ongoing and continuing wars around the world and call to stop the killing of human beings and to respect human rights and humanitarian law.”

Solidarity between generations – Building bridges to celebrate what unites us

Read our April newsletter On 29 April, the European Day of Solidarity between Generations will celebrate its 15th edition. Initiated by AGE, the day shines a light on intergenerational practices and the need for promoting a “culture” of intergenerational dialogue and cooperation in an increasingly polarised society. In today’s society, where rapid technological advances and […]

Healthy ageing and longevity in Europe: How do we prepare for the 100-year life?

Prior to the European Parliament elections taking place in June 2024, we joined the discussion organized by the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC UK), one of AGE’s members, on the challenges and opportunities associated with demographic change in Europe. The aim of the event was to define a set of key priorities and policy recommendations […]

Old’Up intergenerational festival fosters civic engagement

On 3 February, ahead of the upcoming EU Day of solidarity between generations, our French member OLD’UP (OLD’UP’s group Europe and the World), organized in partnership with several committed French-speaking associations, an intergenerational day to discuss and reflect on the Europe of tomorrow and encourage people to vote in the run-up to the elections. The […]

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