Presentation of Barometer results to the Social Dialogue Committee on Industrial Cleaning
On 7 March, AGE took part in the Social Dialogue Committee on Industrial Cleaning. We presented the results of the 2023 Barometer on empowering older people in the labour market for sustainable, quality working lives. Among the Barometer’s recommendations and practices gathered, we have selected a few that we believe are more significant for the […]
Employers’ Hiring of Older Workers and Ageing Policies
On March 21st, AGE was invited to take part in a webinar organised by the Research Programme on Exclusion and Inequality in late Working Life (EIWO). Entitled “Employers’ Hiring of Older Workers and Ageing Policies”, the webinar intended to provide evidence for policy innovation towards inclusive extended work and sustainable working conditions in Sweden and […]
Ageing & technology – Takeaways from e-VITA final conference
As a partner in the e-VITA project, AGE co-organised the final conference of the 3-year joint European – Japanese cooperation on the use of robotic to support ageing well. ‘The future of ageing: embracing technology for a fulfilling life’ was the topic of this conference that took place in Évry, France, from March 7th to […]
AGE joins equality networks’ call for a true European Union of Equality
A true Union of Equality should be the priority of the next EU legislative mandate! We join the call of equality networks for a comprehensive equality framework against discrimination in the EU… to make equality of treatment a reality for all! Together with the European Disability Forum (EDF), ILGA-Europe, the European Network Against Racism (ENAR), […]
Striving for solidarity between all generations in Europe – BAGSO
Ahead of the European elections in June 2024, BAGSO, the German National Association of Senior Citizens’ Organisations has issued a statement addressed to the candidates. It calls for the participation of older people in society and the coexistence of generations in Europe to be strengthened. According to the statement, the European Parliament can make an […]
UN Open-ended Working Group on Ageing : Help us strengthen older people’s rights worldwide !
The 14th session of the UN Open-ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWG) will take place between 20-24th May 2024 in New York. It will is a critical time for civil society to maintain pressure for the adoption of a convention so that we can all age with rights. Together let’s make history! This year’s OEWG session […]
AGE joined EU panel discussion on Financial Inclusion
On 20th February, AGE was invited to join the panel entitled “Digitalisation in finance: A driver of financial inclusion” during the high-level conference on Financial Literacy, Resilience and Inclusion organized by the European Commission and the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority under the auspices of the Belgian EU Presidency. The session was moderated by […]
See U project makes older adults enjoy digital adventures in their neighborhoods
AGE is a partner in the SEE U project that supports older people in explore their neighbourhood using of digital tools. After some months of research and preparation, the project is holding workshops to develop app-based digital tours together with older people. We are sharing with you the first learnings.
AGE discusses employment of older people with French experts & social partners
A pivotal conference organized by the Confédération Française des Retraités on 8 February in Paris, delved into the multifaceted challenges surrounding the employment of older people in France. AGE was invited to join the debate on ageing at work, the role of companies, and the imperative public policies. The social dimension of ageing in the […]
Call for mentors & mentees for the Mentoring Across Borders project
The Mentoring Across Borders project supports educational, professional and personal development through an intergenerational, cross-border mentoring programme. The project has developed a platform to facilitate the engagement of mentors and mentees. Register to MAB platform Are you eligible? In order to become a mentor in the MAB project a person should have the following characteristics: […]
Driving licences: European Parliament adopted its first reading position
On 28 February, the European Parliament voted in plenary session its report on driving licences. This position, which addresses most of the concerns we have raised, will now be discussed by the Council of the EU. Context In March 2023, the European Commission issued a revision of the EU Driving Licences Directive. We were mainly […]
Join a survey on the provision of health & social care to older persons
Are you a practitioner (e.g., nurse, social worker, personal assistant, informal caregiver, medical practitioner, etc.) providing health or social care to older persons? If so, we invite you to participate in the St@ndbyMe survey.The survey –available in 7 languages –examines common perceptions, and the training needs of practitioners in care about digital rights, human rights, […]
Improving accessibility and inclusion for older persons and persons with disabilities – webinar report
On 27th February we were invited to speak at an online workshop organized by Equinet to discuss the challenges faced by older persons and persons with disabilities in accessing transport and public services and explore the role that Equality Bodies may take in enabling accessibility, adequate infrastructure and habitat. Disability and Ageing: need for an […]
‘Longevity Economy’ – the World Economic Forum sets out its vision on ageing
The World Economic Forum has launched a report on the ‘longevity economy’, which puts forward six principles to address the challenges of ageing population. We participated in the launch event. Drawn up by global officials from human resources, finance and health companies, as well as government and academia, the report reminds that we need to […]
New EU project LAUREL will develop policies for integrated long-term care
As a project partner in the EU-funded project LAUREL, AGE participated in the kick-off meeting of the project on 7th and 8th February in Barcelona, Spain. The LAUREL project aims at gathering valuable insights into regional differences of integrated long-term care provision and their support solutions in Europe. Using this intelligence, the project team will […]
AGE is an official partner of the “Safe and healthy work in the digital age campaign”
AGE Platform Europe is among the 90 organisations that have teamed up with the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) for its 2023-25 Safe and healthy work in the digital age campaign, aiming to “ensure that humans are put at the centre of workplace digitalisation.” We were also involved in their previous […]
International Women’s Day: Will the Gender Pension Gap be closed in our lifetimes?
The International Women’s Day on 8th March is the occasion for us to shine a light on the situation of older women. Indeed, as the call for more gender equality is readily shared by many people, the reality of progress is more bleak: The Gender Equality Index 2023 shows only slow progress, even though it hit a all-time high in 2023. The situation for older women is similar with a gap in pensions between women and men at 27%. This triggered the Belgian Council Presidency to hold a dedicated conference, which our President Dr Heidrun Mollenkopf attended.
Campaigns to challenge ageism in the UK and Ireland
Two campaigns have been launched to combat ageism and age discrimination in Ireland and the UK: “For Equality in Ageing” from the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission As part of this national awareness campaign, nine individuals from various backgrounds share personal experiences to highlight the impact of age-based discrimination. You can engage by watching […]