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Launch of the Covenant on Demographic Change, 7-9 December

Ribambelle-Covenant launchEngaging all actors at local and regional levels will be key to promoting active and healthy ageing in order to address Europe’s population ageing. This is the overall objective of the Covenant on Demographic Change to be launched on 7-9 December 2015 with the support of AGE Platform Europe.

Building on the outcomes of the EU-funded AFE-INNOVNET Thematic Network, the Covenant will seek to engage local and regional authorities in developing supportive environments for active and healthy ageing, i.e. environments that improve healthy life year expectancy, enhance opportunities for independent living of older people and support a society for all ages.

It will be an open network which will align with existing initiatives such as the World Health Organisation Global Network on Age-Friendly Cities and Communities (GNAFCC) and its affiliated programmes, the WHO-European Healthy Cities Network, the Dublin Declaration on age-friendly cities and communities in Europe and the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA).

The Covenant will be launched on 7th December 2015. The event will be hosted by the Committee of the Regions with the support of the European Commission. On the two following days, local and regional actors will have the opportunity to continue working and exchanging on how to develop an action plan on age-friendly environments.

Read more on the Covenant here

Read more on the launch event here

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