May 2020 – Vyresnio amžiaus žmonėms taikomi karantino ribojimai gali virsti diskriminacija – zmones

Meniton of AGE work on older persons’ humen rights in the the Lithuanian press:

‘yresnio amžiaus žmonėms taikomi karantino ribojimai gali virsti diskriminacija‘ (‘Quarantine restrictions on older people can lead to discrimination’) – 20 May 2020

Extract translated from Lithuanian:

“In response to the exceptional situation, the international network of non-governmental organizations AGE Platform Europe has issued recommendations to states . They emphasize that any restrictions on quarantine must be proportionate, carried out out of necessity, limited in time and applied in a non-discriminatory manner. It is stated that chronological age should not be a criterion for the provision or non-provision of goods and services. It is emphasized that older people need to be heard and their representatives involved in the development of pandemic management measures”

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