AGE is part of the new EU-funded project ‘Dreamlike Neighbourhood’ aiming to support and strengthen neighbourhood social connections. The project will involve up to 180 older people in Austria, Slovenia, Czech Republic, and the Netherlands.
Due to demographic changes and a widely supported policy of ageing in place, the number of older people who live alone is rising. More supportive residential neighbourhoods can enable older people to age in place successfully. Connecting with other (older) adults in the neighbourhood are crucial for the well-being of older people. In fact, people with strong social connections are happier, have better mental health, improved physical health and live longer.
Why Dreamlike Neighbourhood?
The project´s approach is to nudge exchange and joint activities within the neighbourhood groups. However, the general idea is that the neighbourhood groups themselves will define their purpose, develop joint activities and ways on how to support each other.
Who is this project for?
Older adults interested in connecting with other people in their neighbourhood, in building supportive networks and finding creative ways of expressing their perspectives and ideas. Furthermore, we address citizens initiatives or seniors’ organisations that are interested in an innovative approach. People interested are also invited to contribute as co-group coordinators.
How is the project implemented?
AGE will contribute to a Fact Sheet to inform about the project, raise awareness for the issue and inspire older people, communities and relevant stakeholders to contribute and support Dreamlike Neighbourhoods.
Based on a Concept & Curriculum neighbourhood groups in the partner countries will be established. Besides methods promoting interactions, individual reflections and mutual support, creative formats will encourage participants in dealing with the issue of supportive neighbourhood and expressing their perspectives and views.
With the Handbook and the Online Resource Kit we will make visible experiences gained in our project and provide inspirational examples and practical tools to build and run Dreamlike Neighbourhood groups.
For more information, visit our project webpage or reach out to