New EU project LAUREL will develop policies for integrated long-term care

As a project partner in the EU-funded project LAUREL,  AGE participated in the kick-off meeting of the project on 7th and 8th February in Barcelona, Spain.

The LAUREL project aims at gathering valuable insights into regional differences of integrated long-term care provision and their support solutions in Europe. Using this intelligence, the project team will develop actionable policies to respond to the challenges of growing demand, economic constraints, accessibility, affordability, quality of services, shortages of members of the workforce, and systemic reforms. These policies will be collected in a white paper and policy educational packages on integrated long-term care at the end of the project.

During the kick-off meeting partners got the opportunity to further elaborate the implementation of the project, the next steps and how to best collaborate.

The role of AGE Platform Europe in this project will be to support the project with its expertise on integrated long-term care and also involve its members to provide their knowledge and experience.

If you would like to know more about the project or get involved, have a look at the LAUREL project page or contact


Sofia Nunes

Project Officer

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