New law on pensions in the Netherlands


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After more than 15 years of long discussions, a new law to reform pensions in the Netherland came into force on 1st July 2023 and is due to be ultimately implemented by 1st January 2028.


The bill of the Future of Pensions Act (in Dutch: Wet toekomst pensioenen) sets out reforms of the Dutch supplementary pension system that were agreed upon between employers, employees, and the government in 2019. This extensive and complex legislation is worth 1500 billion euro and is important for 10 million people.

The new pension system remains contribution-based, with more stable pension costs since pension contributions will not increase as workers age. For AGE Dutch member, Koepel_Gepensioneerden-logo Koepel Gepensioneerden, the new pension system is better adapted to modern society and makes it easier to change employer as pensions are made more individual. According to the government it will also increase the chances of indexation for current pensioners.
In 2021, prior to the adoption of the new law, the Dutch pensioner association had contributed to a consultation on the draft legislation.

More information on the new pension rules can be found in Dutch on the dedicated website:

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