Age Equality in the EU: what happens after the EU elections?

AGE Annual Conference 2024 Writing the next chapter for Age Equality in the EU 12 June 2024, 9:15-13:30 Hotel Park Inn Radisson Martelarenlaan 36, 3010 Leuven, Belgium

Read our July newsletter As the European Union renews its institutional architecture, it needs to step up action to ensure equal treatment in old age. This was the main premise of our 2024 annual conference ‘Writing the next chapter for AGE Equality in the EU’ that took place on 12th June in Leuven, Belgium. Against […]

Four days that will shape the next five years

Read our May newsletter With less than one month to go to the European elections, the EU institutions are bracing themselves for the next institutional cycle and setting their priorities. But the main thing that will shape EU’s future is the mobilisation and choice of its citizens. We call on all citizens to make an […]

Solidarity between generations – Building bridges to celebrate what unites us

Read our April newsletter On 29 April, the European Day of Solidarity between Generations will celebrate its 15th edition. Initiated by AGE, the day shines a light on intergenerational practices and the need for promoting a “culture” of intergenerational dialogue and cooperation in an increasingly polarised society. In today’s society, where rapid technological advances and […]

International Women’s Day: Will the Gender Pension Gap be closed in our lifetimes?

The International Women’s Day on 8th March is the occasion for us to shine a light on the situation of older women. Indeed, as the call for more gender equality is readily shared by many people, the reality of progress is more bleak: The Gender Equality Index 2023 shows only slow progress, even though it hit a all-time high in 2023. The situation for older women is similar with a gap in pensions between women and men at 27%. This triggered the Belgian Council Presidency to hold a dedicated conference, which our President Dr Heidrun Mollenkopf attended.

EP elections : let’s choose our common course responsibly

Read our February newsletter The demonstrations in Germany are a reminder that the strength of democracy relies on ordinary citizens’ engagement for it, but also that there is urgency to stand up for it. In the run up to the EU elections, we recall the responsibility of each of us to unite to build a […]

2024 – Laying the groundwork for a future European Age Equality Strategy

Read our January 2024 newsletter While 2024 is just getting underway, this new year heralds some key milestones that we hope will bring a brighter future for all generations. At least, that’s what we at AGE will continue to work towards. This new year appears to be a period of transition at EU level with […]

2024 EU election: kick-off of AGE campaign for a Europe for all ages

Read our December newsletter Six months before the votes for a new European Parliament, we want to recall the importance of working towards a Europe for all ages and suggest some strong, concrete measures at EU level to achieve tangible changes. In 2021, the EU Green Paper on Ageing kicked off a lively debate which […]

Ageism has no place in the EU!

On the International Day of Older Persons, and ahead of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we urge for a renewed political commitment to make the EU rhetoric on equal rights a living reality for the Europeans of all ages!

A European model for sustainable and quality working lives: What is at stake?

Special Briefing – July 2023 Read our July newsletter On 7 June 2023, we held our Annual Conference to discuss A European model for sustainable working lives. During the conference, AGE members, partners and allies discussed the existing challenges, the key concepts to implement, and the changes needed to make this model a reality, in […]

29 April – Let’s celebrate Solidarity between Generations!

On 29th April we will be celebrating the EU Day of Solidarity between Generations, launched for the first time in 2009. The successive crises that we have been through over the recent years have made the issue more topical than ever, reminding us how critical intergenerational cooperation and solidarity is in an increasingly divided and […]

The complex gender face of digital exclusion in old age

Contribution from OWN Europe to International Women’s Day, 8 March 2023 Europe is the most digitally connected region in the world with nearly 90% of the population being online[1]. While most policy makers look proudly at this achievement, this general figure hides huge disparities between countries and population subgroups. Large numbers of people in Europe […]

Drawing lessons from COVID to safeguard democracy and fundamental rights in the EU

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered radical and unprecedented measures in Europe and around the world. Some of these measures have been pointed out as violating basic human rights. Three years after the outbreak of the pandemic in Europe, the European Parliament is looking at the impact of EU’s response on democracy and fundamental rights and […]

2023: Paving the way for a new vision of age

After two years of a pandemic that took a heavy toll on the population and shook the economy in Europe and the world, we were hoping for some respite last year. But the Russian invasion of Ukraine came as a brutal clash with our peaceful reality, and its multiple consequences has put an increasing number […]

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