World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: ways forward

On the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and after two years of COVID-19 pandemic, which exposed the massive phenomenon of abuse in older age, can we hope for positive developments towards ensuring dignity in old age?

Older people’s human rights: civil society deplores the lack of involvement of Member States in adopting a UN convention

Despite massive mobilisation from civil society for the 12th session of the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing, governments showed little commitment towards the creation of an international legally binding instrument. However, some advancements marked this year’s edition: the stronger call by some EU member states in favour of a United Nations’ Convention on […]

Adequate housing in older age

photo (cropped) by Skiathos Greece on Unsplash Housing has been identified as one of the key social determinants of health shaping the way people live and age. Ensuring adequate housing should therefore be a priority concern in our ageing society. But what are the challenges and barriers faced by older persons in accessing adequate and […]

Ukraine: the ‘oldest’ humanitarian crisis in the world

credit: Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash  More than seven million older people living in Ukraine are currently at risk as a result of the Russian invasion. Whether they decide to stay in Ukraine or to leave the country, older people deserve equal access to humanitarian aid.    Ukraine is among the fastest ageing countries in […]

‘We want to age with rights’: advocates mobilise ahead of UN discussions

On 3rd March, older people around the world are gathering under the same banner to urge governments to act. This mobilization is taking place a month ahead of the 12th session of the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWG), where governments have shown little progress in defend human rights in older age. This […]

Striving towards age equality in Europe: AGE priorities for 2022

Photo by Gregor Fischer / re:republica After two challenging years where the COVID-19 pandemic seriously undermined older people’s human rights, we can only hope that 2022 will open new horizons to build the cohesive and resilient society that we need. Today more than ever. 2021 saw some important developments for older people at EU level, […]

Human rights for all ages: Our joint Annual Conference called for life course perspective and intergenerational cooperation

The importance of adopting a rights-based and life-course approach to ageing and promoting cooperation between generations to combat ageism was the topic of our joint annual conference on 18 November 2021. Prepared during the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the conference was organised in cooperation between the Slovenian Ministry of Labour, […]

AGE Barometer 2021: More effort is needed to support older people’s participation

Photo by Tyler Farmer on Unsplash This month, AGE will publish the third edition of its Barometer with a focus on participation. While our Barometer highlights many good examples, it also underlines that, too often, older persons are not part of decisions concerning them directly. Our assessment of older people’s situations across Europe echoes our […]

European Care Strategy – The EU as a driving force for better care for all?

photo by Jusfilm on Unsplash On 15 September, in her State of the Union speech, European Commission president, Ursula Von der Leyen, announced the launch of a European Care Strategy: “If the pandemic taught us one thing, it is that time is precious. And caring for someone you love is the most precious time of […]

20 years of AGE, and so much to come!

Our network is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2021. The celebrations are not only the opportunity to look in the rear-view mirror. In the middle of a pandemic, we made it a point to stay connected, and to prepare for the future. Together. Three founding members In 2000, three organisations of older people – Eurolink […]

Building a better future for older people in need of care and support

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken public debates across the European Union. As most people seem to accept that “business as usual” is no longer an option, the need for a new impulse in the way care for older people is conceived, organized and delivered seems to be felt across our continent. But will this new […]

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