Urban Agenda for the EU: promoting the ‘right to the city’ at all ages

According to World Health Organisation (WHO), the urban physical and social environments are key determinants of whether people can remain healthy, independent and autonomous long into their old age. Cities are also key actors in the provision of services that directly influence how active and healthy we age. In old age, people indeed require supportive […]

EU Day of Solidarity between generations: More intergenerational solidarity and interactions needed to challenge age stereotypes and ageism

On the 8th European Day of Solidarity between Generations, it is obvious that many disadvantages and obstacles still hinder the equal participation of the young and the older generations across the European Union. Celebrating and fostering solidarity between generations is even more than ever necessary in today’s context of economic crisis and unemployment rise, likely […]

European Commission launches the European pillar of social rights

The European Commission has come forward with an initiative on social rights, announced several months ago. With this initiative, the Commission wants to set the social agenda focussing on rights in access to the labour market, working conditions and social protection. The initiative is therefore much focussed on the labour relationship, but proposes some new […]

International Women’s Day – Toward greater gender parity?

8 March marks the International Women’s Day. This day is crucial in highlighting the challenges that persist in terms of gender equality: across the world, gender discrimination and violence against women are still widespread, poverty often has a female face and decision-makers are still overwhelmingly men. This year, the theme of the international day is […]

Engaging in research: A pragmatic approach to older people’s rights

Older people face increasing barriers to their participation to their family and societal lives, especially because the combination of functional limitations and age stereotypes exposes them to a range of inequalities, including a risk to their personal autonomy. To counteract the negative impacts of discriminating attitudes and practices and to inform academic community and a […]

Covenant on Demographic Change officially launched!

On 7th December 2015, the EU-funded AFE-INNOVNET Thematic Network on innovation for age-friendly environments officially launched the Covenant on Demographic Change. The Covenant is set to become the new EU-wide association gathering local, regional and national authorities, civil society organisations, universities, and businesses that commit to cooperate and implement evidence-based solutions to support active and […]

High level joint event showcases renewed commitment to put an end to elder abuse

On the occasion of the 10th World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on 15-16 June 2015 AGE co-organised a high-level two-day event with the Council of Europe, the European Commission and the European Network of Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) to take stock of European and international action and reflect together on how to better protect and […]

eHealth Week: AGE calls for equal and safe access to mHealth for older people

With the ageing of the population in Europe, the number of older people will increase rapidly in the coming decades, including the number of very old persons – 80 years and older – who are most likely to be in need of care. The European Union is currently seeking to boost the growth potential offered […]

European Day of Solidarity between Generations 2015

Combating age discrimination to foster intergenerational solidarity and cooperation through age-friendly environments: the right answer to Europe’s demographic challenge This year again, a large number of initiatives have been carried out across Europe to support intergenerational interaction and cooperation. As every year since 2009, the 29th April has been the opportunity for AGE and our […]

Projet AFE INNOVNET : principaux résultats et prochaines étapes

Briefing spécial – mars 2015 par Julia Wadoux Lire cet article en version pdf D’après l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), les environnements physique et social sont les principaux facteurs déterminants de la santé, de l’indépendance et de l’autonomie durant la vieillesse. La création d’environnements pour tous les âges est donc l’une des approches les […]

AFE INNOVNET Project: key results and next steps

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), physical and social environments are key determinants of whether people can remain healthy, independent and autonomous long into their old age. Creating age-friendly environments is therefore one of the most effective approaches to respond to demographic change. To support this approach, the AFE-INNOVNET thematic network on innovation for […]

International tourism grows but what about senior tourism?

According to the latest United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)’s Barometer published on 27 January 2015 , the tourism sector experienced another record year in 2014. The number of international tourists (overnight visitors) reached 1,138 million in 2014, 51 million more than in 2013. Despite those reassuring figures, Commissioner Bienkowska, in charge of Internal Market, […]

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