Qu’est-ce qu’un revenu de vieillesse décent permettant de vivre dans la dignité ?
Special Briefing – janvier 2015 par Maciej Kucharczyk La question de l’adéquation du revenu minimum intéresse particulièrement les personnes âgées qui, plus encore que les autres groupes d’âge, dépendent des prestations des systèmes de sécurité sociale publics et privés, via les régimes contributifs (retraites) et non contributifs (aide sociale). AGE attire l’attention sur ce problème […]
What should an adequate old-age income entail to live in dignity?
Special Briefing, January 2015 The issue of income adequacy is particularly relevant for older people, who rely more than any other age groups on the payments from the state or public social security systems – through both contributory (pensions) and non-contributory (social assistance) schemes. AGE has been pioneering this topic for several years, in particular […]
AGE General Assembly and Annual Conference 2014
AGE members set their policy priorities for 2015 and call for the adoption of an EU strategy on demographic change AGE Platform Europa held its General Assembly in Brussels on 2-3 December 2014, immediately followed by its Annual conference on 4th December. The events were the occasion for AGE members to share their views and […]
New European Commission: AGE welcomes some changes and highlights need for internal cooperation on ageing and demographic issues
After approval by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union in October, the new European Commission, made up of the elected Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, a First Vice-President, Frans Timmermans, 5 Vice-Presidents and 20 Commissioners, entered into office on 1st November 2014 for a five year mandate (until 31 October 2019). In […]
The 24th International Day of Older Persons promotes a Society for All and reminds of upcoming challenges
Cliquer ici pour lire cet article en français Under the title ‘Leaving No One Behind: Promoting a Society for All’, the United Nations International Day of Older Persons on 1st October 2014 reminds us of the important challenges to be addressed in our ageing societies. With a 60+ population expected to reach 20 per cent […]
EU elections: AGE publishes questions for the new EU leaders
3 months after the European parliamentary elections, negotiations are going on to nominate the future EU leaders for the European Council and the European Commission. AGE has developed a series of questions to be addressed to candidate Commissioners to make sure they are committed to address Europe’s demographic change. On 15th of July, the Members […]
Reinforcing the human rights of older persons in need of care and assistance to protect dignity in old age and combat elder abuse
On the occasion of the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, AGE co-organised a high-level seminar addressing the issue of older people’s human rights in the area of long-term care. The event presented two new relevant EU initiatives and discussed how to strengthen legal protection of older people in need of care and assistance and safeguard […]
2014 European Parliament elections
On 22-25 May, all citizens of the European Union were invited to elect the 751 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who will represent them at EU level and influence EU political course for the next 5 years. The recent new powers conveyed to the European Parliament by the Lisbon Treaty, coupled with the economic […]
First webinar on age-friendly environments and joint MEP commitment marked the 6th EU Day of solidarity between generations
On the European Day of Solidarity between Generations on 29th April 2014, the AFE-INNOVNET project held its first webinar on age-friendly solutions to respond to the rapid demographic change in Europe. This online seminar aimed to present the project to interested stakeholders and encourage new stakeholders to join. AGE also seized the momentum of the […]
AGE makes a step forward in its campaign for the European elections 2014
AGE, together with COFACE, EWL, ILGA Europe, EDF, ENAR and EAPN organised on the 18th of March an event at the European Parliament on Citizens’ mobilisation for the elections. The event was hosted by Claude Moraes, MEP, and aimed to discuss tools and methods candidate MEPs could use to engage EU citizens to participate in […]
Launch of new Europe-wide network on innovation for age-friendly environments – February 2014
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), physical and social environments are key determinants of whether people can remain healthy, independent and autonomous long into their old age. Creating age-friendly environments is therefore one of the most effective approaches to respond to demographic change. To support this approach, the AFE-INNOVNET thematic network on innovation for […]