Older people have ‘invisible talents’, make them visible!



How can the talents of people 80+ living in residential or community-based care settings be brought to light? A new project called ‘invisible talents’ aims to create inspiration and tools for social service providers to build on the valuable and untapped knowledge and skills of older persons.

The invisible talents project, which counts AGE as an advisory partner, is bringing forward talents that are too often hidden. The positive approach of the project iso to encourage social service providers to offer the opportunity that will bring these talents to light. Talents are not a ‘gift’, but something that can be developed, (re)detected and shared with people around – at any age.

The project brings forward inspiring stories, such as the 80+ Erika and Erika who bring life and intergenerational exchange to an open-air museum in Austria. Several tools will be developed until September 2020:

  • A brochure ‘Everybody has something to give’ will bring to light many of the talents that are often not properly seen and valued, especially in care settings, but also in any kind of community club or activity
  • A collection of possible tools that can bring these talents to light, such as talent marketplaces, story-telling cafés and many other ideas

The project is financed by the Erasmus+ programme and brings together partners from Germany, Lithuania, Netherlands, Italy and Austria.

More information:

Or contact Philippe Seidel, philippe.seidel@age-platform.eu

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