On the German Day of Older People on 3rd April, BAGSO, AGE member organisation in Germany, is calling for older people not to be excluded from basic services and offers as digitalisation is advancing. The umbrella organisation of senior citizens’ organisations is protesting against the digitalisation strategy of the Deutsche Bahn, which requires travellers to have a digital customer account if they want to benefit from reduced fares via its customer card (Bahncard). People without such an account will receive a cancellation notice from the Deutsche Bahn when their current Bahncard expires. BAGSO is calling on Deutsche Bahn to change its regulations so that everyone can continue to take advantage of the discount when travelling by train, regardless of whether they have access to the internet or not.
In a press release, the President of BAGSO, Dr Regina Görner, underlines the important role of railway transport to maintain mobility in old age and reminds that discount offers are particularly important for people on low incomes.
“People should not be disadvantaged and excluded from mobility services simply because they don't have a smartphone”.
Dr Görner, BAGSO President
BAGSO furthermore points out the large number of older people affected by the digitalisation of German railway services: only 37% of over-80s use the internet and only around a third own a smartphone.
Photo credit: Centre for Ageing Better