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‘Lead with us’: A call to action


“Lead With Us” is an appeal to governments and media to genuinely engage with us – older people to champion human rights for all ages. Campaign with us to encourage your government and media to listen to older people’s voices!

1. Ask your government to discuss human rights with older people

We have prepared this template letter with concrete opportunities for governments to take action; feel free to adapt it to your local or national context. Need a bit of context? Background information about the disappointing involvement of European countries at the latest meeting of the United Nations (UN) on the rights of older people is available online.

2. Tell why defending human rights in older age matters in the national news

Try to contact journalists or send readers’ letters to tell them about what older people bring to your community and why we must combat ageism. You can also find media outlets where to write your own opinion papers. Arguments and examples of why we need to protect our rights in older age in this document, or in this video. Prefer shorter formats? You can use our social media cards to post your call on social media with the hashtag #LeadWithUs

3. Find your local group of older people and join their actions!

You can reach out to AGE members organisations in your country to seek what they are doing or browse the UN Decade for Healthy Ageing database and connect with people and organisations willing to create a world for all ages.

EU Member States have the capacity to influence discussions at global level that could make a difference for the protection of our human rights when we grow older. But the rallying for equal rights must start with the systematic engagement of older people on matters that concern them. Governments must lead with us!

“Lead With Us” is a spinoff from AGE’s wider campaign #EULeadsTheRally calling for EU Member States to demonstrate in practice their commitment to human rights for all ages.

Read our Special Briefing to understand why we decided to focus on participation and co-leadership

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