AGE calls on the EU to ratify the Istanbul Convention to end violence against women

Istanbul Convention Campaign banner Last 25 November, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, AGE joined more than 25 other European civil society organisations to call on the European Union to access the Istanbul Convention. This Convention is a legally binding instrument of the Council of Europe that engages signatories to address violence against women and improve the protection of victims.

Violence against women is also prevalent among older women. Whereas elder abuse affects both older men and women, older women face specific challenges which increase the risk of abuse, such as longer life expectancy, higher dependency on care services and an increased risk of poverty. According to a 2011 study, around 28% of the 2880 older women surveyed in five EU countries had suffered some kind of violence and abuse in the previous 12 months. This represents a serious attack to their right to live in dignity and equality.

The group of European NGOs joined by AGE has produced a factsheet highlighting why it is vital for the European Union to ratify the Istanbul Convention. AGE also co-signed a letter to the European Commission suggesting actions to be implemented in 2017, which the Commission has decided to mark as EU year of focused actions to combat violence against women.

In 2017 AGE will continue to work on violence and abuse against older people, highlighting the specific gender risk factors and exploring how victim protection mechanisms can address elder abuse and protect victims more efficiently.

For more information you can contact Borja Arrue, Project and Policy Officer in charge of Long-Term Care and Elder Abuse:

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