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EU Day of Solidarity 2021 – There is no solidarity without equality!


While the pandemic spares no one, it is clearer than ever that we need to support all individuals regardless of age. As we celebrate solidarity between generations, we recall that age equality is the backbone of cohesion, wellbeing, and ultimately: our capacity to mutually support one another!

On 29 April, we celebrate the 13th edition of the European Day of Solidarity between Generations and the second one since the COVID-19 broke out in Europe. Last year we shed light on the many young and older people who joined forces to address the pandemic and support each other. And together with the European Youth Forum (EYF), we called on all generations to reinvent together the way our societies are functioning.

One year later, the health, social and economic crisis generated by the virus has provided further evidence of the detrimental impact of ageism affecting both younger and older people’s dignity and capacity to participate in society.

The challenges of the past year clearly remind us that equality is key to shaping fair societies where all individuals, regardless of their age, are given the support they need and the opportunities to contribute.

We need an Age Equality Strategy!

On 29 April 2021 – EU Day of Solidarity Between Generations, we urge the European Commission to make Europe a continent for all ages and a place where:

  • Equality is for everyone. Life struggles come at all ages and take many different forms. But we are all entitled to the same human rights and should all be able to receive the support we need to face our respective challenges.
  • Equality is everyday. Because each day shapes our ageing a little more, we should all be able to enjoy equal opportunities to participate in society, enjoy healthy living conditions, learn and work, and access care and support services where needed.
  • Equality is a practice. Our values of justice and solidarity require practice. We need to equip ourselves with the policy and legal frameworks that backup these values and give us the tools to shape a cohesive Europe.

To achieve this, we call for the European Commission to adopt an ‘Age Equality Strategy’. Such a strategy would provide a fair frame for all generations to be fully part of the future of Europe.

Our proposal for an EU Age Equality Strategy is at the core of our response to the EU Green Paper on Ageing. Many of AGE member organisations have also reacted to the EU Green Paper.

Read our press release
Read our members’ contributions

Supportive officials

On the occasion of the EU Day, we also asked policy makers and civil society organisations to explain why solidarity should be at the heart of our policies. Some MEPs and the European Commission Vice-President Suica have rallied our call for more intergenerational solidarity in Europe and against inequalities at all stages of life.

Read their statements here

The quotes were also shared on Twitter (#AgeingEqual and #EUAgeing).


AGE member organisations also marked the European Day. Check out some of their initiatives.

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