EU long-term vision for rural areas

EU-longtermvision_ruralareas-visual The European Commission has recently published it long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas up to 2040, which identifies areas of action towards stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas and communities. Released on 30 June, the communication of the European Commission outlines the challenges and concerns that rural areas are facing and highlights some of the most promising opportunities for sustainable rural development.

In its communication, the Commission proposes a Rural Pact aimed to mobilise public authorities, and stakeholders to act on the needs and aspirations of rural residents. This Past is accompanied by a Rural Action Plan, articulated around flagship initiatives.

The Rural Pact and Action Plan have four main goals:

  • Supporting to social innovation
  • Supporting sustainable multimodal transport and digitalisation
  • Increasing environmental, climatic and social resilience
  • Supporting local economies and economic diversification

Read more the European Commission’s website and press release

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