Since January 2021, AGE has been the partner of the European – Japanese project eVITA “Virtual Coach for smart ageing” in charge of the communication and dissemination of the project’s work. eVITA is aimed to design a virtual coach
To gain momentum and interest, AGE looks for innovative ways to communicate about the project.
That is why we are pleased to present the very first audio episode that introduces the project with an interview of the coordinators, Toshimi Ogawa, assistant professor at the University of Tohoku in Japan and Rainer Wieching, doctor at the University of Siegen in Germany.
The Ageing Equal podcast highlights the important role that older people play as end users in the co-creation and co-design process of a research project. Future episodes will feature older people and potential users of the eVITA solution.
The topic of the first episode is on how Technologies can support the well-being of older people ?
The podcast is available in English on Spotify and Soundcloud platforms.
To know more about eVITA, please have a look to our last newsletter available in PDF : Newsletter-1-1.pdf ( and on the project’s website.
For more information on AGE involvement in the project, you may contact Nhu Tram, or Marine Luc,