Poverty, social exclusion, loneliness and isolation in old age are all denials of human rights!


Over the last decade following the financial, economic and social crisis inequalities have grown further across Europe and various population groups are struggling to live a decent and dignified life. This is particularly true for older women (in particular those living alone), older migrants and elders of ethnic minorities and the ‘oldest old’. Budgetary cuts are preventing them from enjoying their human rights.

On the occasions of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, AGE Platform Europe wishes to remind decision-makers about the increasing precariousness and social exclusion of the most disadvantaged and invisible older people, leading to the violation of their right to live in dignity and fully participate in society. In our press release, we urged member states to address the specificity of older women and men’s poverty when preparing an EU post-2020 social agenda, building on both the Pillar of social rights and the first objective of ‘no poverty’ of the Sustainable Agenda 2030.


The topic of poverty, social exclusion and loneliness in old age was also in the spotlight of the third campaigning week of #AgeingEqual (AGE’s 70-day campaign against ageism), which raised the issue of ageism as a barrier to the enjoyment of social rights by older people. Blogs and testimonies showed evidence of the negative effects of ageism and social rights denials both for the individual and for society. Read more on #AgeingEqual website.

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